
Critical Examination of the Idle No More Movement

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In October of 2012, Bill C-45 was introduced into Ottawa by the Harper government.
The bill is a 457-page document, containing over 64 amendments to a multitude of acts and regulations, including notable revisions to the Indian Act, the Navigable Waters Protection Act and the Environment Assessment Act. Bill C-45, later renamed the Jobs and Growth Act, was passed through government with minimal consultation from the Indigenous peoples of Canada, effectively rendering the peoples voice silent and proving the neglect and mistreatment of the Indigenous peoples by the government of Canada.

Shortly after these amendments were introduced, four women from Saskatchewan began communicating via social media to discuss Bill C-45. The main concern these women had were if the bill was going to further oppress Indigenous rights and destroy environmental lands across Canada. A movement was formed in an attempt to stop the government from introducing more legislation that will erode Indigenous rights. On November 10, 2012, an event was organized to raise awareness regarding this bill. The movement was to be known as the Idle No More movement.

This paper will critically examine and analyze the Idle No More movement and Bill C-45 from three distinct known theoretical political discourses – Neoliberal Capitalism, Decolonizing Eco-Anarchism and Social Liberal Feminism – and from perspective that I hold, an Eco-Radical Feminist.

When analyzing this movement from a neoliberal capitalistic

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