
Critical Analysis Of Theodore Dalrymple's The Frivolity Of Evil

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"The Frivolity Of Evil"
Theodore Dalrymple, 2004
Essay by, Marcelo Vargasluna Theodore Dalrymple was actually born Anthony Malcolm Daniels on October 11th, 1949 to his Russian father the Communist businessman, and mother A Jewish refugee hailing from Germany during the Nazi regime. Theodore Dalrymple is the pseudonym Mr. Daniels used for the purposes of his writing's. Theodore is an English writer and retired prison Doctor and Psychiatrist of 14 years, who wrote an article in 2004 in a magazine called "The Frivolity Of Evil" discussing his thoughts on Evil itself. During Theodore's 14 years of employment in both the prison and medical industry, he witnessed "Evil" in many different forms helping him to further his own understanding, and beliefs in the matter. His main focus for the purposes of this article is in regards to his home state of Great Britain. Theodore touches on how their own welfare system is currently allowing evil to flourish. In part because the system has "protected the people of Britain from some of its economic consequences". Without consequences for one's actions, man will continue to test the limitations or lack thereof. Allowing this atrocity to continue over the years has helped to promote the widespread growth of evil. Later Theodore spends several years touring the world to such places as, Equatorial Guinea, North Korea, and Liberia, where he had witnessed many evils in the ways of torture, tyranny, and ultimately death. All of these, mind

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