
Critical Analysis Of Al Gore's 'Climate Of Denial'

Decent Essays

In his essay titled “Climate of Denial”, Al Gore, a well known environmental advocate and former vice president, verifies the reality of climate change and global warming. The piece is an attack on corrupt companies and news outlets that attempt to persuade the public that global warming is not a critical issue. Gore also earnestly conveys our environment’s current state and offers possible solutions that would increase awareness about global warming and begin to revert the planet back to a healthier, more sustainable state. The overarching purpose of Gore’s work is to call attention to the widespread climate change that is occurring. However, he also focuses on the corruption and bias within the media, and their attempts to conceal the truth about global warming. Writing to those who are conflicted about who to believe, he makes a valid argument that defends the beliefs of he and his fellow activists and encourages others to become more active in the climate change issue.
As a whole, Gore’s argument in “Climate of Denial” is powerful, persuasive, and effective. The points that he communicates are easily understandable, due to his straightforward language and moderately informal tone. Even more importantly, the analogies and imagery that he employs make his argument relatable and vivid. In his goal of persuading the reader, this emotionally compelling narration is invaluable. However, despite its many strengths, Gore’s composition does contain several weaknesses. First,

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