
Critical Analysis Of A Dolls House

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“A Dolls House” A Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen first published “A doll’s house “ in 1879. In this play Ibsen distinguished the state of marriage, believing that it was possible for two people to travel through life as perfect, happy equals. A Doll 's House is a three act play about a seemingly typical housewife who becomes disillusioned and dissatisfied with her superior husband. In the first act the setting was important to note that the whole play takes place in one room and that until the last act, Nora is every scene. She never seems to leave the room as if everything were to come to her. She is literally trapped in domestic comfort. Though there is a great …show more content…

In other words, money and materialism can be seen as a way to avoid the complications of personal contact. He abhors the idea of financial or moral dependence on anyone. His desire for independence leads to the question of whether he is out of touch with reality. Nora, as a symbol of woman, is called a number of names by Torvald throughout the play. These include "little song bird," "little featherhead," "little skylark," "little person," and "little woman." Torvald is extremely consistent about using the modifier "little" before the names. These are all usually followed by the possessive "my," signaling Torvald 's belief that Nora is his. This signals that he does not see Nora as an equal; rather, Nora is at times predictable and a silly dolls; at other times she is a captivating and exotic pet or animal, all created for Torvald. A Light is used to illustrate Nora 's personal journey. After the turning point of Torvald 's claim to want to take everything upon himself and while she is talking to Dr. Rank, the light begins to grow dark, just as Nora sinks to new levels of manipulation. When Dr. Rank reveals his affection, Nora is jolted out of this fantasy world and into reality and insists on bringing a lamp into the room, telling the doctor that he must feel silly saying such things with the light on. Nora 's ball dress symbolizes the character she plays in her marriage to Torvald. A tarantella is a folk dance from southern Italy that accelerates from its

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