
Criterion Specific Rewards

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Zach and Patrick are in my 5th grade class. Zach is 10 years old. Zach excels in math, and any activities where he can manipulate things with his hands. Zach can often be found playing with Legos by himself. Zach really likes animals, and often stays after school to feed and play with the class guinea pig. Zach likes to work independently, and doesn’t really socialize with the other students. Zach has a reading learning disability, and currently receives 30 minutes of resource room support daily. Patrick is 11 years old. Patrick is very social, and enjoys being the center of attention. Patrick is greatly involved with acting club, and even got the lead role in the school play. Patrick often shares funny stories with the class. Patrick is academically average, and doesn’t have any severe deficits in any subjects. Recently, there have been increased amounts of quarreling between Zach and Patrick. Patrick will tease Zach, and Zach reacts by yelling, …show more content…

Decrease class interruptions Criterion -specific rewards could help address Zach’s and Patrick’s goals. Criterion- specific rewards are meaningful prizes or privileges that are given when a student demonstrates a target behavior. Group contingency is based off of peer influence. The group works toward a goal, and when the goal is reached, a reward is given. Effective rules are specific, predictable rules that help students change their own behaviors to desired ones. Criterion- specific rewards could help Zach and Patrick, because when each student demonstrates one of their desired goal behaviors, he would receive a reward. Group contingency could work for the boys, because it would require them to work together to each get something they want. This could greatly increase Zach’s social status in the class, and help his relationship with Patrick. Effective rules could help Zach and Patrick know exactly how to behave during group discussions, or if someone is picking on

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