The seven types of patterns are Series, Spree, Hot Prey, Hot Spot, Hot Setting, Hot Place, and Hot Product. Series- is a group of similar of crimes that thought to be committed by the same person or group acting in concert. Examples: Four commercial arsons citywide in which a black male, between the ages of 45 -50, wearing yellow sweatpants, a black hooded sweatshirt and a yellow “Yankees” cap, was observed leaving the commercial structures immediately after the fire alarm was triggered; five home invasion-style robberies involving two to three white males in their 20s wearing stockings over their faces, displaying a silver, double-barreled shotgun, and driving a red 1980s Pontiac Trans Am. Spree- is the same type of offense is committed …show more content…
Examples: Five home invasion robberies of Asian immigrant families occurring throughout the city over six weeks; seven fraudulent check scams targeting elderly victims over one week; ten robberies committed by different offenders of intoxicated persons walking home alone from the bars on the weekend over two months. Hot-spots-is refers to a group of similar crimes committed by one or more individual at a location that’s within close to one another. Examples: Eight daytime burglaries over the past four weeks at a suburban residential subdivision, with no notable similarities in the method of entry or known suspects; ten commercial burglaries over the course of three weeks at the business located with a half-mile radius during overnights. Hot-settings-is refers to a group of similar crimes committed by one or more individuals that are primarily related to a type of place where the crimes occurred. Examples: Eleven late night robberies of 24-hour convenience stores throughout the city by different offenders over two weeks; Five burglaries of duplex homes adjacent to abandoned railway beds over one weekend; 14 theft from commercial vans/trucks parked at night in residential neighborhoods over three
However, in neighboring tracts of Community District 12 crimes have been noted. The highest type of crime reported were felony assault and robbery.
How did we aggressively address the COMPSTAT crime patterns and persons of interest during the month?
What term is used to describe the use of computer software to identify geographic “hot spots” where a majority of predatory crimes are concentrated?
Sixty-four people out of one thousand are likely to become a victim of crime in [city/county
Also, to the above, Harvey crime statistics reports a slight dip in crime based on the last three years. There has also been a decrease in property and violent crimes. Per Harvey Crime Rate Report, there have been fourteen arsons, two hundred and twenty motor vehicle theft, five hundred and ninety-seven burglaries, and six hundred and sixty cases of larceny.y. As far as violent criminal offenses, one hundred and twenty-five murders, nine forcible rapes, two hundred and five robberies, and one hundred and twenty-five aggravate assaults. (City rating) In addition, to the crime by citizens, mayor Kellog, park district official, and the police department has been under fire for mismanagements of
City Heights East is divided by many different ethnicities. There is 54.3% Hispanic, 20.9% Asian, 15% Black, 7.3% White, 2.2% mixed, and 0.3% other. With this data we can see that there is is range of different ethnicities and not one fully overrides other. This is a diverse community with some great cultures throughout. With this comes crime. With a total of about 30 assaults in the past year, there needs to be a sense of community rather than a sense of territory. Within this sections it will review the cost of living, the employment rates, the school’s, and the community organization. These are all important when looking at a specific crime and how to improve it within the community.
Hotspot policing is a plan that includes targeting the places where crime is a significant problem. We will investigate further into hotspot policing; The uses/benefits, techniques, and the cons.
Next, I determined, as per Fraser, Simkins, and Narvaez (2015): 1) high rate of unemployment, 2) inefficient health and social agencies, 3) high ration of low-cost liquor store to population number, 4) inefficient police drug control programs, and 5) inefficient probation officers programs as my failure modes and 1) increasing number of homeless victims and suspects, 2) victims and suspects as clients of health and social services, 3) increasing alcohol abuse in both victims and suspects,
The SAGE dictionary of criminology- “Crime is not a self-evident and unitary concept. Its constitution is diverse, historically relative and continually contested. As a result an answer to the question ‘what is crime?’ depends upon which of its multiple constitutive elements is emphasized. This in turn depends upon the theoretical position taken by those defining crime”.
Reliability and validity can be problematic with observational field research, given the difficulty of generalizing anecdotal qualitative findings to larger populations (Maxfield & Babbie 2011: 327). One possible 'observable' crime to track which might be of interest to the general population is that of bike thefts. As more and more people use bikes as an alternative to cars and public transportation, the question of what makes a bike likely to be stolen and under what conditions can give clues about how to prevent such thefts from transpiring in the future. "NYPD has seen a more than 25% increase in bike thefts across the city in 2012, with 1,694 of them reported stolen so far this year, up from 1,346 over the same period last year"¦." (Beja 2012). Bike thefts are up, while car thefts are down.
Detroit tops Forbes list of the "Most Dangerous Cities" this year for the fifth year in a row. What is encouraging is that the crime rate in the Motor City actually declined last year, despite devestating financial woes that drove Detroit into the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. Crime affects the people of Detroit and the city’s reputation, employment, income and education. It needs to be contained and reduced to make Detroit prosper and make the lives of the people living there better. Detroit had 316 murders in 2013, a rate of 45 per 100,000 people. That 's the highest rate among cities with populations over 100,000. In 2013 Detroit also reported 14,504 violent crimes. That 's also the highest per capita rate in the nation, according to the annual report. The total is comprised of rapes, murder, robbery and aggravated assault.
Certain people in society may be more prone to being victimized for reasons they may not know; however, there are specific reasons why serial killers chose them. Individuals may have pre-existing attributes of being victimized, including their social class, gender, race, ethnicity and many more. Sexualized violence among serial killers tends to exploit prostitutes’ due to the nature of their occupation and geographical location. Serial murderers follow a pattern, what is known as routine activities theory, where they find a suitable target that fits their profile, lack of personnel surrounding them and being a highly motivated killer. In addition, understanding lifestyle choices can demonstrate the high-risk factors associated with being victimized, such as hitch hiking or going on casual dates. Location helps demonstrate vulnerable targets, since individuals may be at the ‘wrong place, wrong time’ or may residing in a neighbourhood notorious for higher crime rates that makes individuals more susceptible for being victimized. By understanding routine activity theory, lifestyle theory and deviant place theory, this paper attempts to analyze the underlining sociological explanations of a victim’s vulnerability to serial killers.
Too often, hot spots encourage officers to bust cases in quantity and not quality in relation to the intensity of the crime committed. These lower crime busts come from officers getting too comfortable after all the major crime offenders are locked away. For example, the common and relatively harmless drug marijuana is a
After taking a look at all the data for the past and more current information I have noticed an increase in car prowls in northeast Portland. This includes the area from I-205, Airport Way to 122nd and including Sandy Blvd and Marine Drive. Gathering information on the statistics of this location it appears that larceny and motor vehicle theft are the most commons types of property crimes in this area. I personally know this location and is mostly made up of business complexes, poor neighborhoods surrounding this location and a lot of homeless people that camp or stay around these areas especially at night. During the day this location is very busy and a lot of people are in this area, however at night it's like a ghost town with very
Even though street robbery is not the most common crime type in the U.S., it still holds certain proportion of all robberies or even all crimes, which makes people think public spaces are dangerous (Block and Davis, 1996). According to the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) from the FBI, in 2005, the estimated robbery offenses were 417,122, which increased 3.9 percent when compared with the 2004 estimate, however,