
Creons Influence On Antigone

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Antigone is the individual in the text who is looked up to because of her love of family and compassion she had for them. Although the state and the gods such as Zeus had different laws established, the citizens were compliant to obey the orders Creon the king or ruler at the time such as Antigone’s sister Ismene. The citizens and characters introduced agreed with Antigone’s actions in a way but in a silent manner. Soon realizing their ignorance of maintaining a love of caring for loved ones which they had a strong bonding relationship towards. Creon is a notable and important character who opposed Antigone’s beliefs and actions of love but later on felt regret when his own family encountered death before his own due to his mistakes. Including the punishment, he gave to Antigone and lack of understatement of the actions done for the family. Overall, not even punishments will detain a person for what they have a love for or who …show more content…

Ismene believes it isn’t of importance going through the trouble and searching death as a result of what Creon declared if someone dares to go against his say. As stated in the text, “My brother, and yours, though you may wish he were not. I never shall be found to be his traitor.” and “So I shall ask of them beneath the earth forgiveness, for in these things I am forced, and shall obey the men in power” (160-161). With this in mind, Antigone expresses Ismene’s non-sacrificial action to be described as a traitor considering it’s their own family member. In addition to emphasizing that Ismene disagrees with the idea to sacrifice yourself for your family especially when a higher power contradicts the acts, you wish to do. Ultimately, Antigone is trying to create fear of regret for not stepping in for her own family no matter the circumstances that believe

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