
Credit Card Debt For The First Time

Good Essays

This year student loans will grow to $1 trillion dollars, outpacing credit card debt for the first time (Goodman). Inflation is a word that many people have heard of but some might not actually know what it means. Inflation is when the prices of products increase while the buying power of money decreases (“Inflation”). Inflation is something that has always happened and probably always will. It’s not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but it can cause a problem if inflation grows much faster than wages increase. We, as a nation, need to curb the inflation of college costs begin the process of lowering the expense of higher education. In the last 30 years the inflation of tuition and other college costs has risen at an astounding rate. If you take a look at Stanford University you will find that their tuition has grown from about $6,000 dollars in 1980 to over $40,000 in 2012. If other products followed those inflation rates common groceries, like milk, would be close to $15. I don’t know about you, but to me that is absolutely ridiculous. This growing problem can most easily be seen in the large universities like the before mentioned Stanford. The problem of rising college costs has been around for a while, but in recent years it has gotten to a point where it is no longer possible to ignore. It is just getting worse and worse with each passing year with the prices going nowhere but up. The problem of the cost of higher education needs to be solved as soon as possible

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