
Creative Writing: The Western Front

Decent Essays

My heart skips a beat. All I can think of is Ben when he crumpled on the ground, his arm sliced by the soldier’s sword. I rush over, pushing Perta, and the others out of the way, my breath caught in my throat in relief to see that Melok’s fine. He sits up, his face red, but his breathing fine. He even takes Perta's hand and stands up to talk. “The Senate’s to be reinstated,” he says. “Soldiers bearing the seal of Emperor Diocletian are right now securing the magistrate ’s palace, and the magistrate is under house arrest. Fights have broken out among the soldiers, especially in the prisons. They wouldn’t let me see my wife, and then they started to push everyone away.” An explosion of voices erupts in the room. Many try to rush out, worried …show more content…

I feel it give way with a slight tremor through the stone. Hanau takes my hand, and we rush in. Perta pulls some sort of lever, and the soldier barely escapes from being crushed by the wall slamming into place. We walk along the corridor as sounds of destruction resound overhead. The bodies of the two Egyptian servant girls lay on the floor, their throats cut. “Spies,” Perta whispers, as we enter another room. “They must have found out about the meeting, and reported it. They should have known that Rome doesn’t deal well with servants who betray their masters. Sends out the wrong message to their servants.” We pass by one of the storage rooms when we hear someone coming towards us. Perta motions for us to hide, and I duck behind some piles of sheep fleeces. Two soldiers walk in, swords drawn. I hear my breathing roar in my ears, so I clap my left hand over my mouth and put my right on my sword’s hilt. Hanau hides across the room behind giant pots. Perta, Melok, and the others must be in another part of the room. One of the soldiers steps closer to the bed of fleeces, looking around the room as I keep watch through a couple large jars. . I slowly move so I am now pressed up right into some of the fleeces. Either Perta or Melok tosses something small down the hall, and the soldier races after the noise. I get up, and run closer to the door, ducking behind some grain sacks just as the soldier turns

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