
Creative Writing: Sadboys

Decent Essays

SadBoys My friend Jaren,and I met on the first day of 6th grade and it was very hot on the month of August.We had an assembly on the first day and I was met a lot new kids in the assembly.Jaren and I were part of an example of bullying and Jaren was the bully and and was the kid getting bullied.After that Jaren and I talk to each other and we became really good friends. It was 3rd period about to be 4th period on Febuary 19 of 2016.In 3rd period you can really smell the wood in wood shop and see how much lumber they have.The bell rings for 3rd period to end and for 4th period to start.For my 4th period class i have Mrs.Ward’s science class and we are doing labs today.As I’m walking to 4th period the sunlight shines …show more content…

“You put the penny under the coil and move the penny,”I said”try it” Jaren flicks the switch and you can hear the particles buzzing around.As Jaren adds the penny and than the foil on top.The particles inside come together to make electricity shoot at the penny.Me and Jaren realized that the foil was so that electricity didn’t shock your hand and make your hand feel weird.I went back to my group and they asked where do you find this in the science book and I said I don’t.”Jaren was walking by and I asked, ”Jaren where do you find question 2 and 6 in the science book.” “It’s the chapter ahead,”he responded. “Alright,thanks for the help,”I said. “No problem Tyler,”Jaren said.I read the next chapter in the science book and find 2 and 6.I wrote down the answers and 10 minute bell rings and I start packing up,to get ready for my next class period.I walk over to Jaren and asked, “Jaren did that help with the Plasma Ball” “Yeah,did I help you with 2 and 6?”he asked. “Yes”I replied.The 4th period bell rang and everyone had to go to 5th period.After 5th period I bumped into Jaren in the hall and asked, “Jaren are you ready for our projects?” “Yeah,I’m ready”he

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