
Creative Writing: Nursing School

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He kneeled down next to me, gently gripping my head and tilting it, letting out a sigh. "Scott, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, the bandage is soaked. Like the blood is dripping on my fingers." Madeline nodded. "We should take him back to the nurse." Dennison let go of my head, nodding and standing up. "Come on, let's go." "No, I'm not going. I hate the sick bay. It smells like tooth paste" I said, taking a bite of my apple. Dennison rolled his eyes, taking my hand and pulling me up. Madeline nodded. "Okay, let's go." "No, I don't want to" I whined, feeling Dennison wrap his arms around me again. The nurse was less than impressed to see us in her sick bay again. "What did you do this time?" I smiled, letting Blake sit me down on …show more content…

"Um, there are a lot of people here, and some people are very sick. They might be dying if they don't get immediate attention, and those are the patients the doctors look at first." I snuggled into the corner of his shoulder and neck, breathing in. "We're going to be waiting here for a while then." He nodded. "Maybe. Are you hungry? Do you need some water?" "No, I already ate my apple" I told him, feeling cold. "You're shivering again" he said, bringing the towel up to the back of my head again, gently wiping at it before putting it down. He let me rest on his shoulder again, and I noticed that I had been bleeding all over him. I tried to lift my head. "Your clothes. They have my blood on them." "Sh, it's okay. Just put your head back on my shoulder" he said. He then took off his jacket, putting it on me. I rested my head against him again, yawning. "Hm, I'm so tired." He shook his head. "Don't fall asleep. The receptionist said not to. You might have concussion." "Thank you for taking me here" I said, a sleepy smile on my face. He smiled at me fondly. "It's okay, now drink some water." He handed me a water bottle and I stared at it. "Wow, when did you get this?" "It's been here the whole time, Scott." I smiled, taking a sip of water. "Oh, I knew

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