
Creative Writing: My First Vietnam War

Decent Essays

A million thoughts running through her mind. “Get to the creek, get the bag”. The torches search the over grown field her body hot in the frosted blades that come up to her knees. Dropping to the ground chest flat to the earth her heart in her throat. “We know you’re out there” he says the panic in his voice worries her. The field suddenly becomes dark and the people are getting closer. Marching in rows like men going to war. Without another thought she is running feet stumbling one after the other. Aching knees and weak bones carry her to the edge. She reaches the wall of trees that she has forever longed to meet. She turns to see if anyone had seen her. The lights are back on and the torches are moving through the grass. She looks down at her thin pale wrist and removed a small band with ‘Renee Grace’ …show more content…

Her long brown hair tied back in tight bun and brown dirty dress and matching wool jumper that is two sizes too big. She heads down towards the running creek the bank starting to flatten. Dead trees creating hurdles and the thrones pricing her numb feet. The slug becomes deeper as she get closer to the water. Animals in the night scratching and yelling, light hitting her left shoulder… ‘RUN’. The only way out is the creek and he is getting closer the water reaching her lower back sending shivers up her spine. Wading through the water she sees it. The bag and the world has gone dark again silent and serine she scrambles up the other side of the bank pulling the bag with her. A big oak fallen about 15 Meters away she knows by the unsettling silence he’s not far away. Pulling the bag on her damp back she crawls to the hollow tree and lays down behind it. She holds her breath for what feels like fifteen minutes not moving a single tired muscle in her body. After about half an hour more of twilight and damp forest floor she realises he’s given up. Not for good but defiantly for

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