
Creative Writing: Murphy's Light And Dark

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Icy sweat had split Murphy’s forehead into sections of moisture and flesh. He couldn’t fixate on what was causing him such distress. He only knew that he was afraid of the unknown. He glanced around at his surroundings, but most of his senses had failed him. To say the room was dark would be an understatement. He was surrounded by a void of perpetual darkness that seemed to surround his pale complexion, gnawing away at the faint glow his skin once possessed. Since his sight had failed him, he strained to listen for any hint of activity, but the more he concentrated on the abyss the less noise he could hear. It was as if he had descended to the bottom of the Mariana Trench; the pressure from the water impeding his ability to hear, see, …show more content…

He felt the pull of an invisible force dragging him, similar to a tractor beam, through the light. Any attempt to struggle against this unseen force was pointless. His limbs dangled lifelessly at his side. As his body continued forward, Murphy’s isolation was interrupted by a voice that seemed to originate from within him. At first he thought the voice was his imagination; a simple representation of his personal failure to escape this predicament. The voice kept repeating the same gibberish, “Et non ad protegat eius!” The hair on his body stood erect as if a bolt of lightning were about to strike, the air potent with danger. He tried to rationalize this experience by squeezing his eyes shut and telling himself it was only a dream; that he would awaken from this nightmare safe in his bed. Without warning, an agonizing pain erupted just above both his elbows, causing his eyes to vent streams of salty tears. He opened his eyes to investigate the cause of this searing pain and immediately regretted doing so. Before him stood an inferno of white heat that rose from far below the invisible floor and crowned into a football shaped head high above him. …show more content…

He must have fallen asleep while preparing for class the next day because the computer displayed the half written essay he had been assigned the week before. He was still disturbed by the images of his nightmare and was a little disoriented from a restless sleep. He quickly walked into the adjoining bathroom to grab a towel to clean up his alcohol stained computer. Dread filled him yet again as he saw those malevolent red eyes appear in the mirror above the sink. Shaking his head as if his mind were an Etch-a-sketch, he left the bathroom to return to his computer. His phone began vibrating while sitting in the pool of whiskey. The screen displayed the familiar name Ava, his girlfriend of two years. “Good morning beautiful.”
“Did you get a chance to look over my essay?” She responded before he even finished his greeting.
“No, I fell asleep while finishing mine, I will look it over after chemistry.”
“Just remember to keep me in the paper. The last time you helped me you made me sound like an English professor and my teacher knows I could care less about grammar.”
“Couldn’t care less, be careful with double ne…”
“You’re doing it again!” She

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