
Creative Writing: First Lieutenant Of The Fifty First Platoon

Decent Essays

The sweat is still rolling off of the lieutenant as he begins to come to his senses. Another horrible night spent in this dark cave of a room. His name is First Lieutenant Mathews of the Fifty First Platoon. His mission was to infiltrate the Nazis during the war but after the Allies beat the Nazis he was chosen to carry out the most dangerous mission of the Cold War. This mission would involve the most intense training any mission has ever had. This mission would tamper the sanity of the fragile human mind. The Lieutenant was the most skilled in the military and he was the only person brave enough to complete this mission. The Lieutenant was put into the most confined cells that the military has ever created and he was told that this was one of the trainings that he had to pass in order to carry out the mission he was assigned to, and that is the last thing he remembers. Ever simce they stuck him into this box he has lost track of time. All the Lieutenant knows is that this is a training meant …show more content…

These thoughts would only be interrupted by the sound of a tray hitting the floor every once in a while. He would mostly think about his war buddies, the ones that lost their souls fighting until their last breath. Usually he would think about one buddy in particular, Private Kevin Williams. “Private Tubs” as they called him because of his belly, was the Lieutenant's best friend during the war, they would share food and sleeping space when times were rough. All the thoughts always rushed to the Lieutenant's mind when he wanted to close his eyes and sleep. The sound of Private Tubs screaming for his life keeps ringing in the Lieutenant's mind whenever he tries to reach a peaceful state. The Lieutenant would never forget the night Private Tubs yelled for his help when the Nazis raided the base. Lieutenant Matthews would always regret not helping the

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