
Creative Writing: Duff's Song Of Hope

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“Yes, I am listening! And I agree with you, I promise!” Imogen tries to stand, but she cannot make herself move an inch. “You don’t agree with me. Just look at you, you are basically in the fetal position. Just like a child hiding from the scolding of a parent. You are trying to hide again. Hiding from the reality that surrounds all of us, but this time there is nowhere to hide. No books you can run to and hide from the troubles of the world,” Duff starts to pace in front of Imogen, “I wish I could make you see, make you understand. I bet you haven’t even seen the true evils of the world, let alone experience them. How can I make you see?” Imogen finally grasps enough strength to stand. She takes a step forward towards Duff and …show more content…

That is only part of the pain that an average person feels every day when they wake up. Just imagine that someone writes a book about your pain, people then read it and determine that enough was done to solve the problem. Imagine this pain you are feeling right now never goes away. You are forever cursed by that pain. Do you understand now? Can you even begin to imagine?” Duff yells this at Imogen, eyes filled with fire. “Of course you cannot understand it. You are too ignorant. You have spent your whole life in those dusty books. You need to experience true suffering to understand the terrible reality people face in their daily …show more content…

She feels the light drizzle of rain mist across her face mixing with her tears revitalizing her. She pulls her body out of the opening and starts to run even though she has no idea which way to go. Imogen knows that he will follow her, probably overtake her in the woods. She understands that he will always look for her, try to force his views upon her, want her to experience reality. Still, Imogen continues to run through the woods, past the trees, over the rocks and branches the storm forced to the ground because she will never give up her books. As she runs, she hopes, believes, that she is running in the direction of the library because that is the only home she will ever feel truly accepted in. The books will always be there for her whenever she needs them. The books suggest ideas for anyone to believe in or deny. Books do not force anything upon her without her permission first. But it still lingers in her head that no matter the distance she runs, she knows she can never escape him, he will be everywhere, forcing his view of reality onto

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