
Creative Writing: Dexter

Decent Essays

“Creeekkk!!” the boardwalk goes as the vulnerable people walk cluelessly not knowing whats about to hit them. As the evil Boogeyman and his henchman plan a terrible attack.
“Lucifer!” the boogieman exclaimed.
“Yes master….”
“Lucifer, go set up the Monsterizer-3000”
“ Yes master……” Lucifer went to go set up the machine and he got the guinea pig. He pulled the handle and the pig turned into a clone of the boogieman!
“I'm going to name you ….Dexter...” the boogieman said depressingly
“Umm…. master, who’s Dexter?” Lucifer questioned
“Dexter was my brother”
“I remember it like it was yesterday, Dexter had come home from terrorizing children, he started talking about this girl he saw but she wasn't one of us…… SHE WAS A HUMAN!”
“After that

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