
Creative Writing: Bees

Decent Essays

"This can't be right," she muttered, looking down at her phone and the walking directions it was giving to her destination. The arrow on her GPS pointed straight into what looked like part of a botanical garden; an unkempt one. Giant elephant ears and other plants she didn't recognize limited vision to mere feet, inches in some case, and there was no sign of the office. Noel frowned and turned in a slow circle, trying to orient herself. That was a joke, she thought. North was there, South was there, she was roughly 250 feet above sea level and the wind was 5 knots at 30. Okay, the last was cheating since she'd just heard the same information repeated in the wireless headset lodged in her right ear and hidden by her dark hair. It was receiving …show more content…

[Image: tumblr_oig8r8jC7b1tppytvo1_250.jpg]Phobias? Um, did clowns count? Bees. That was true. Bees freaked her out completely and she'd wrecked her first car when one flew in the window. Though she'd never been stung by one they just scared her to death. Noel didn't even like to eat honey. Compulsions? That was easy. Making sure the job was done, and done right, and done by her and only by her. She often came in behind others and redid their work just so it was correct. Control, she answered in big bold letters and underlined with three precisely parallel lines. Number of sexual partners? Ever, in the last year, yesterday? she wrote, hating the lack of precision in the question. Then the questions got really odd, like she was taking some kind of personality test. It reminded Noel of the psych exam they'd all taken during training. If you were going to trust a person with multi-million dollar aircraft and hundreds of lives you wanted to make sure that the person you gave the job to was stable and not into self harm or harming others. Those she answered properly, knowing that they cross checked somehow with one another and you couldn't lie consistently enough to not be caught lying. Noel was smart but she'd never figured out how to beat …show more content…

Her hair was black, cut short although with long bangs that she kept out of the way with headbands or bobby pins or clips. Porcelain skin that was kept that way by liberal use of sunscreen and long clothing and hats when she was outside and, her best feature in her own opinion, pale blue eyes. Sure, that meant she often got headaches but even Noel admitted they were mesmerizing. And why not? She was pretty, even if she hadn't dated anyone in, well, a long time. It wasn't her fault she was too busy with work and that other people didn't understand Noel's need to be connected 24/7 to the tower and her sporadic sleep schedule and they were just stupid. All of them. They didn't understand how crucial her work was. How important. How she was the only one that could do it and get it

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