
Creative Writing: All Quiet On The Western Front

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A scary place could be a forest while a serial killer was loose. You are deep in the forest at noon. Fog obscures your surroundings, with faint beams of sunlight streaming through the gaps between the leaves overhead. The only thing you can hear is the sound of your own footsteps and heartbeat. Occasionally, you think you see a figure in the mist, but upon closer investigation, nothing is there. You suddenly recall the news report from a few nights ago, and the story was about mysterious serial killings happening in the area you live. The police report said that the serial killer tended to go for people that had been wandering alone. The killer did not appear to have any sort of pattern for when they killed, only how. The report ended with …show more content…

Gunshots come from somewhere in the smoke. Nearby, a private was on the ground clutching his now severed leg. He shrieked with pain and despair in his voice as he begged for it to end. Somewhere in the distance, you hear orders coming from an officer that go ignored. People on both sides of the war ran to the enemy, from the enemy, or just hid. A grenade falls near some soldiers. As one of them notices it, they all begin to scatter. Not all of them were lucky enough to avoid the explosion and the ensuing shrapnel. A plane passes overhead, dropping bombs as it makes passes over enemy troops. Scenes just like this one covered the battleground, creating a chaotic image of blood, fire, and …show more content…

Describe a relaxing or quiet place A relaxing place would be my room. I would be lying in my bed with the ceiling fan on. My favorite songs playing in the background as I relax. The nearby shelves covered with books and games. On my desk are various pieces of work and my computer. Sunlight comes through the gaps in the shades on my windows. This would be the most relaxing place to me. 6. Description of a place that would be paradise to you. My paradise would be set in 2017 in a relatively nice house for me to live in. It would have a well lit bedroom with a desk, chair, and a bed. The room would have good internet, my computer and monitor, and my consoles. There would be shelves with all my favorite books and books that I might enjoy in the future. It would have windows with a nice view of the ocean. A bathroom would be attached to my room. My house would be large enough to be comfortable for one person with enough room for moving things around. It would have easy access to food, water, and clothing. It would be quiet, and no one would come to pester

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