
Creative Story : A Short Story

Good Essays

“Well here goes another day, what do you want to do today Colby,” I said. “Well, it’s not like we have any money to go do something fun. Basically, everything in Arizona costs money, all we have is this stupid little shack and that big tree in the back,” replied Colby. “Yeah you’re right, I just, wish we had some money.” “No kidding, then we could actually have fun and go to parties more often.” “Well, then we’d probably get into more trouble.” I chuckled. “Yeah, your right, too bad we can’t keep our noses clean, oh well.” We talked back and forth for a couple of hours, talking about our memories and what all we’ve done to get in trouble just laughing and having a good time. That is until I started telling this story about how my dad, brother, and I went canoeing once in the Grand Canyon. I talked about how we would do tricks with the water make mini tornados in the water, or doing 360° spins in the water. “It was fun,’’ I continued, “ but I could never do it with them again.” “Why not?” asked Colby. “Because I don’t know where my family is and they don’t want anything to do with me,” I said fiercely. “Calm down I’m sure they do they just uh, well I don’t know to be exactly but I know your family does want something to do with you.” “Really? Then why haven’t I haven’t heard from them in ten years? Not a letter or anything.” “Well for one, we don’t have an address, let alone phones. Otherwise, we would’ve been busted and in jail

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