
Creationism Vs Intelligent Design Creationism

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Within many countries, notably the United States, there is a perpetual debate on whether creationism and intelligent design are valid alternative theories that should be embodied within the curriculum of science classes. ‘Through local school boards, sympathetic politicians, and well-funded organizations, a strong movement has developed to encourage the teaching of the latest incarnation of creationismintelligent design—as a scientifically credible theory alongside evolution in science classes.’ Creationism is the rejection of evolution in favor of supernatural design (Pennock, 2003) and the belief that there is a God. Intelligent design stems from this understanding and defends that many biological functions are far too complex to have been created by evolution - in which a higher being was involved in designing them. Evolution holds a great significance in the education system today and is a fundamental idea within biology classes all around the world. The contending viewpoints suggest creationism and intelligent design should be taught parallel to the theory of evolution and hold similar significance within the science lessons of high school students. In turn, many biologists have fought against legal cases in the hope to cease the implementation of these substitute theories and to keep them out of biology classrooms.

As no one was present to witness the creation of the world, everything that is said to have occurred is considered an ideology. If both intelligent

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