
Creation and Evolution, which do you believe? Essay

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When thinking about the origin of life, there are two main points one can come to, Intelligent Design or Natural Process (Ken Ham, 2008). “According to the former view, supernatural intervention was essential for the creation of life; according to the latter, living organisms could form spontaneously—for example, from the mud of the Nile” (Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006). Creation can be defined as the original bringing into existence of the universe by God (“Creation”, n.d.). Intelligent design can be defined as “certain features” (Ken Ham, 2008). Intelligent Design can also be explained by finding features of the earth and explaining them by an intelligent cause ("Intelligent Design", n.d.). Creationism usually starts with religious …show more content…

Origin of Life Many Christians believe in the fact that there is an intelligent designer who created the earth and the species that inhabit it (Patterson, R, n.d.). There are no true accounts or eyewitnesses of the creation of origin of life (Patterson, R, n.d.). The Bible is one of the ways people account for the creation of species, resulting from an intelligent designer (Patterson, R, n.d.). For a Christian how life came to be is nothing to worry about, the bible clearly states that God called all animals, plants, and human to be in his likeness. An example of natural selection that evolutionists would use if is someone had a half eye, what is the use of a half eye? (Leone, B. 2002). How could natural selection use an eye that is nowhere near to perfect, basically a flaw (Leone, B. 2002). This would suggest of a perfect system, something that could not fault and would have no faults in it (Leone, B. 2002). If there was such a complex and perfectly designed system against evolution if would provide a huge problem (Leone, B. 2002). God gave breath to him and gave him life (Origin of Life). Some could say that Adam, since he was created from the dust of ground would say that he came from a non living organism as evolution would want someone to think. “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy” (NIV

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