
Creating A Culture Of Tolerance And Acceptance Of Differences

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My position: I strongly believe that companies can help enhance the productivity of new immigrants if they provide cultural awareness and sensitivity training to help create a culture of tolerance and acceptance of differences. Position I will present: New immigrants should integrate into the American population and take advantage of the American culture which has led on average, internationally, in labor productivity. Employers can help more than they have helped to ensure that immigrants achieve this objective of integration to maximize productivity. Audience: Immigrant Community Leaders, Workforce Administrators. New immigrants in America are a significant part of the backbone of the American labor market. However, Americans view them as a special population out of the American mainstream. As a result, major stakeholders have devoted less time than is necessary to discover effective strategies to incorporate new immigrants into American culture for the new immigrants’ optimal productivity. In fact, even with the best innovation and its positive aspects, culture diversity in a work environment creates frustration, miscommunication, and lack of mutual respect. Indeed, it is not easy for immigrants to abandon the traditions of the old country and accept the culture of America fully. In the meantime, the new immigrants must work hard at showing American society that it should do what is clearly possible to take action to erase the negative impacts resulting from culture

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