
Crash Intercultural Communication

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In America, finding yourself in situations where communicating with someone of a different background than yourself is common. We are a melting pot of different cultures, backgrounds, and identities. Throughout the semester we have learned many ways to avoid conflict when engaging in intercultural communication. The most important aspects from the semester is the idea of generalization and ethnocentrism. These two ideas were displayed in the movie Crash and how the effects of it can lead to misunderstandings among everyone involved.
Part I
The movie Crash directed by Haggis (2005) portrayed the lives of many different ethnicities and cultures and how they are viewed in America’s society. The character that stood out to me the most was Farhad; an Iranian store owner. In Communication Between Cultures Ninth Edition by McDaniel, E. Porter, R. Roy, C. and Samovar, L., generalization is said to be “based on limited data and are then applied to a larger population. In intercultural communication, this means ascribing …show more content…

To have positive communication encounters, avoiding making generalizations about a person or group of people is key. If this is not practiced, the person you are speaking with may feel uncomfortable and upset. In the case of Farhad in Crash, his family felt personally and culturally attacked by being classified as Arab versus their actual identity which is Iranian. Also, due to discrepancies within communication, Frahad did not take the initiative to fix what needed to be fixed because he felt he was right and the locksmith felt he was right. Exhibiting a sense of ethnocentrism can lead to people making assumptions about others and refusing to be flexible within their communication style. Ultimately, we should all take these steps into consideration when speaking to others of different cultures and

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