demeanors research on potentially hazardous products. The CPSC promotes the development of voluntary safety standards and under certain circumstances has the authority to issue and enforce standards and ban unsafe products. Out of all the activities the CPSC strives to work closely with private consumer groups, industry, the media, and agencies of various state and local governments. Although the CPSC is an independent federal regulatory agency it does not have authority over all consumer products. Safety standards for trucks, automobiles, and motorcycles are set by the U.S. Department of Transportation; standards for drugs and cosmetics are handled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and standards for alcohol, tobacco, and firearms
Our company has a responsibility to meet the federal guidelines. This protects our company from costly fines and legal proceedings. Most importantly, we protect our customers—parent and children. Risk is good, but not when it can potentially kill children.
Social regulatory commissions often dictate the required conditions that are to be met for production environments and products in order to protect employees as well as consumers.
Government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and the National Highway Transportation Safety Agency (NHTSA) handles setting the safety standards. According to Halbert & Ingulli (2012) parties can allocate risks with some constraints under the Uniform Commercial Code (p.282). For example, Toyotas was having acceleration problems with their vehicles. However, individuals “injured may now turn to the courts to hold manufacturers and sellers liable. In recent decades class action suits of injured Plaintiffs have been brought against entire industries found to have hidden the known risks of their products: asbestos, tobacco, and lead” (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012, p.282).
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations2002 is the regulation that helps to control the risk of hazardous substances that may cause harm to individuals at the work place. The regulation states that when working with medication in a care home the managers is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment, this will assure that the medication is being handled with care. The manger also has to ensure hazardous substances are used safely and also stored correctly in the care home.
The ANSI, or American National Standards Institute, is a non-profit that is designed specifically to oversee development of voluntary standards regarding everything from programs to products to personnel throughout the US (ANSI, 2012). The Z10 standard is focused on environmental health and safety, and provides requirements for management systems, along with guidelines that help improve EHS. The Z10 standards encompass many areas of EHS, including financial performance, health and safety, productivity, quality, and similar objectives in business (ANSI, 2012). There are seven section topics in the Z10, and also information for risk assessments that have not been included previously (ANSI,
There are regulatory bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Food
is duty bound to follow regulations and laws to ensure the safety of consumers by
Actions are ethical - Government sets regulations to ensure that safety standards are being met and as long as the manufacturer is meeting those requirements, it must be safe and they must be acting ethically.
The Toxic Substance Control Act was enacted to protect both humans and the environment from the effects of toxic or harmful chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency was placed in charge of this act, and has since been enforcing and amending it. The EPA is permitted to define testing requirements for all chemicals, and can also restrict the manufacture and sale of any particularly hazardous chemicals. In addition, all imports and exports of these chemicals must be recorded at every step along the journey to ensure that regulations
Regulations made to minimize the risk of illness through food are based on the government’s understanding of science. While food businesses consider both the quality and safety of food, the government focuses only on food safety.
The Joint Commission also addresses safety issues through the publication and distribution of the Sentinel Event which identifies a severe breach in safety and addresses ways on how to improve processes and to prevent harm in the future. It also publishes the National Patient Safety Goals which address healthcare safety and ways to solve problems that focus on issues such as identifying patients correctly, improving communication among staff, and administering medications safely, just to name a few. “A majority of Joint Commission standards are directly related to safety, addressing such issues as medication use, infection control, surgery and anesthesia, transfusions, restraint and seclusion, staffing and staff competence, fire safety, medical equipment, emergency management, and security. The standards also include requirements for preventing accidental harm; responding to patient safety events; and the organization’s responsibility to tell patients about the outcomes of their care” (TJC,
The Health and Safety Homepages provide you with a wealth of health and safety related information whether you are a duty holder or just an interested employee
priority attention as part of OSHA's efforts to target those industries having the highest rates of
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. This includes biological agents such as Hepatitis C Virus and employers are required to assess risk and implement adequate and appropriate control measures.
Everyday you consume things may it be food, drinks, or prescription drugs. Most people will just absent mindedly intake these products subconsciously knowing that they are monitored by government organizations ensuring your safety. It has not always been that was and has progressed greatly throughout the years. although all consumer safety organizations may not be reputable, they do much more good than harm. Consumer safety is something that is extremely important to the American family, and has help thousands of people survive. Consumer safety is something that has allowed America to progress to where it is today.