
Course Project Week 7 Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Research Proposal Outline Paper Nekens Colin English 135 Jessica Jordan 03/26/13

Sedentary Lifestyles, the Resulting Health Crisis and The Choice Americans face.
What can Americans do to make a sedentary lifestyle change? Despite Americans unhealthy habits and the obesity epidemic plaguing the Country, a change in sedentary lifestyle such as: Regular physical activities, and better eating in conjunction with a better diet are steps that can be taken immediately to remedy the situation and put Americans on the path of recovery.
Research must be based on good academic sources and I plan on using The Devry Library, The Ebesco Search, as …show more content…

Despite Americans unhealthy habits and the obesity epidemic plaguing the Country, a change in sedentary lifestyle such as: Regular physical activities, and better eating in conjunction with a better diet are steps that can be taken immediately to remedy the situation and put Americans on the path of recovery.
II. Unhealthy eating and physical inactivity are the leading causes of death in the U.S. according to the Human department of Health and Services.
III. Americans are stuck in their sedentary lifestyles; people just do not know or have the courage and discipline to forge a different path forward.
IV. A healthy change in our diet would absolutely go a long way in addressing most of the health issues and the obesity epidemic that this Country faces.
V. One other solution is to make a sedentary lifestyle change, but that takes courage and a strong desire for change, limiting the amount of sugar one takes does not solve the problem. VI. It is not up to government to solve our pesky personal issues, that is why they are personal. We must each forge the courage and discipline to undertake healthy changes in our personal lives. If we eat better, exercise moderately, sleep better, and change our sedentary lifestyle by making mental and physical changes about the way we view food, we will immediately see quality results once we cross that threshold and

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