
Counter Terrorism Policy of the Un

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Terrorism is an act of violence, usually done in the public sphere, which is used to incite fear in a population in order to coerce change in public opinion or a government’s position on an issue. In many parts of the world, groups wage war with their countries, either to separate from the government or to overthrow it entirely. Sometimes these people are treated unfairly by their government, and their struggles are justified. Other times, these groups use violence against both military and civilian targets, terrorizing innocent bystanders to get what they want—these groups are terrorists. Often, though, it is difficult to tell the difference.

Today, several major countries—notably the United States and United Kingdom—are involved in …show more content…

The main payment systems to transfer funds to finance the global Islamic terrorism are through the traditional banking channel: wire-transfers and the hawala. Heads of terror groups operate in a different fashion, using higher value and higher risk methods of financing like drug trafficking in Afghanistan and diamond smuggling in Africa.

Some countries provide safe haven to terrorist groups, while also failing to curb the funding they receive through private donations to ‘charitable organizations’ for carrying out jihad. Iran, for example is alleged to be an active sponsor of Hizballah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Curbing the supply of funds to these organizations has been a major part of past efforts to counter international terrorism. The effectiveness of existing legislations and treaties and need for and nature of further measures are issues that need to be discussed.


Gathering of correct and reliable information about possible planned activities, methods, resources, bases etc of terrorist organizations is crucial to prevention of terrorism. The right information at the right time can help avert disastrous attacks, saving countless lives. Most nations have extensive mechanisms and organizations in place to collect intelligence to protect their citizens, such as the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), British MI5, Russian FSB, Israeli Mossad etc. the 27 members of the EU all have financial intelligence units, acronym

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