
Counter Arguments Against Evolution

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What is evolution? Evolution is the idea that all species are descendants of ancient species that are different from modern day species. The idea of evolution is controversial, because there are counter arguments that species are related based on religion, or arguments that evolution has not been supported with enough evidence. Despite the counter arguments, evolution is a scientific theory that is supported from connections through science, technology, society and environment.
During the time, scientists would make theories to explain the natural phenomena, but certain views of scientists began to introduce the idea of evolution as a scientific theory. These scientific theories that support evolution are Charles Lyell’s Theory of Uniformitarianism, …show more content…

Comparative anatomy provides clues of a common ancestor if the structure in the animals are similar. For example, the forelimbs of animals, specifically humans, whales, dogs, and bats, have structures that are similar. The number of bones are the same, but they have different functions (such as walking for humans and flying for bats). Using the comparison of the forelimbs of certain mammals, comparative anatomy provides scientists with indication that those specific mammals may have come from a common evolutionary ancestor. Besides the similarities of structures in different species, vestigial structures are structures that have diminished in size or usefulness and an example is producing Vitamin C from the enzyme L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase. Most mammals have this gene that produces the enzyme that makes Vitamin C from their bodies. Humans have a defective copy of that gene, thus humans cannot make Vitamin C by themselves. From this example, comparing the anatomy of different mammals demonstrated that some structures might have changed through the process of evolution or they might not be deemed “useful” for certain species. Molecular Biology provides support of evolution by examining the DNA and protein sequences of animals to see if the sequences are similar or different. If the sequences are similar, the animals would most likely be related, and unrelated if the sequences were to differ greatly. An example is distinction between Protostomia and Deuterostomia. (The distinction is based on origin of mouth during embryo formation.) Humans are deuterostomes; meaning their mouth is developed separately from the blastopore and are not related to flies or worms because they are both protostomes. Thus, flies and worms are more related to each other than to humans. Understanding molecular biology,

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