
Counseling Setting Essay

Decent Essays

Counseling Setting

The counseling setting I chose provides outpatient therapeutic services to children and adolescents. The agencies focus is on the prevention of child abuse, preservation of the family, and the treatment of abused and neglected children. Licensed and licensed-eligible therapists provides confidential and professional counseling to individuals and their families and treat a wide range of childhood issues including traumatic experiences, positive parenting, grief/loss, divorce, anger issues, ADHD, anxiety and school adjustment issues, among others. This agency serves a unique and diverse blend of a family demographic

An integral part of a thoroughgoing assessment is the biopsychosocial.
The Child PTSD Symptom Scale is a …show more content…

First and foremost, the therapist must be able to establish rapport with the child, gain his or her trust, and demonstrate an interest in the youth and his or her emotional state. Establishing trust and a good rapport is essential in order to achieve an honest and timely completion of the assessment being administered. In addition, when working with traumatized youths, it is important that I ensure my client’s physical safety and well-being before any attempts to formally assess. For example, distressed youths may need breaks during the assessment process and I must learn when to press forward and when to press pause. I must maintain a balanced sense of empathy, genuine interest, and neutrality so my client feels comfortable verbalizing personal information, uncomfortable feelings, and traumas they may not want to remember. Furthermore, my competence, credibility and demeanor all play an important role in the assessment process. It is imperative that I create an environment that restores safety, adapt to the needs of my client being interviewed, and provides support. Assessing in my private office will help my client feel that whatever he or she says will be kept confidential and in private. After reaching my office, I will ask my client to sit anywhere he or she feels comfortable and close the door. I will start by preparing my client for the nature of the assessment, give him or her a chance to ask questions about the assessment process, and advise my client of the confidential nature of the

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