Melinda was open and responsive throughout the counseling session. Individual answered questions asked by the clinician. Ind stated she was feeling fine but clinician had the impression she was depressed. Ind made a review of what she have learned at Peers and how can she put them into practice in order to achieve her goals. Ind analyzed how past errors and a low self esteem, can lead a person to punish herself by unconsciously doing self-sabotage. Ind shared she got a calendar to organize her time in a way she can stay busy and away from drugs. Ind was tearful when clinician played to be Melinda and confronted her with her behavioral pattern of walking three steps forward and them taking them back. Ind disclosed that Ms. Ann will pick her
Robbie J. is a 19 year old African American male and at this time he is currently a freshman at Henderson County University. The client has been referred to this office by his school residential advisor and family doctor. The reason behind this is that the client has not been attending his college classes and has been caught drinking on campus by campus security three times in the past two months. His parents have been advised by the school that if the client doesn’t attend counseling sessions he will be asked to leave and not return back for the following academic school year. The client must attend five sessions and also join an A.A. group.
Another indication of Melinda’s self-destructive behavior is her loss of concentration. This can proven by Melinda’s declining grades which started off as “Playing Nice- B, Social Studies- C, Spanish-C, Art- A, Lunch- D, Biology-B, Algebra-C+, Clothes-C, English-C , Gym-C+.” After, her grades ended at, “Social Life-F, Social Studies-F, Spanish-D, Art-A, Lunch-D, Biology-D+, Algebra-F, Clothes-F, English-D+, Gym-D.” these quotes demonstrate that Melinda puts little effort into her work, meaning she is distracted and that her school isn’t her main priority. Certainly, her distracted behavior is because she is constantly rewinding the memories of what happened to her; she unable to get this out of her head. Seen from the evidence it is good to say Melinda is having difficulty stay focused. In addition, Melinda has found numerous ways to isolate herself from others. Throughout the book, Melinda takes us to her place of choice, being the abandoned janitor’s closet at her
Many times, Melinda has the thought of suicide among with many other negative things she could have done which she did not. “I open a paperclip and scratch it across the inside of my left wrist. Pitiful. If a suicide attempt is a cry for help, then what is this. A whimper, a peep? I draw little window cracks of blood, etching line after line until it stops hurting” (87). At times she was close to the edge of completely falling apart, but she stayed strong and didn’t give up on herself. Not just that, Melinda has been battling with herself many times internally, debating whether to let the secret out or not. One side of her is desperately seeking for help while the other side is still badly wounded and afraid. “I should probably tell someone, just tell someone. Get it over with. Let it out, blurt it out” (99). Melinda does not have anyone by her side to support her since no one knows what happened. Because of her outcast, she has no friends and her parents do not understand her. Without that inner strength of hers, Melinda would not be able to change and eventually walk out of the stormy clouds of
SPC Yancey this is your June monthly counseling, you have been doing an excellent job taking over for SPC (p) Wehle, and you have taken ownership of each task. Good job working on responsibility as well as being there for the section. I appreciate your willingness to take charge of situations in my absence. You have a good leadership ability, the Soldiers like you and want to work for you. This is a part of your leadership that you need to nurture. While you do take ownership of tasks and missions there is a weakness in your follow through on a given a task. I suggest that you trust but validate every tasks you give the troops. This confirms follow through and appropriate completion. Do not be afraid to make them redo a task if mot completed
R Xavier should be interview first before Scott can get the child to deny the lack of supervision.
Melinda’s diagnosis was relatively easy due to the fact that she fit most of the requirements for a patient with post traumatic stress disorder. She suffered a trauma outside the scope of everyday events, lost interest in things that she used to enjoy, fell significantly behind in school, was unable to form meaningful relationships after the attack, and, though not required for a diagnosis of post traumatic stress disorder, also suffered from depression, which is often comorbid with post traumatic stress disorder. One difficulty with diagnosing Melinda with post traumatic stress disorder was that it was unclear how to account for the fact that she does not talk for most of the book. However, after consulting practicing psychologists, the lack
In the coaching discussion it was not said that my conduct was not meeting expectations, but not allow myself to be in situations where it appears I’m being insubordinate.
Though there were a few who have help Melinda like David, Ivy, and Mr. Freeman. Getting through a depression alone is hard and Melinda knew that when she visit that hospital. Melinda knew that her sickness was not like them and that she can get over it with help. Acceptances was the final step for Melinda to get out of the depression moving forward as she say to herself, “ [T]here is no avoiding it, no forgetting, no running away” (197). To keep moving forward is what need to happen of one who is in a depression, and Melinda have finally went
Melinda also feels that no one wants to listen and no one cares about her. Her depression is finally resolved when she gets the courage to speak out from her art teacher and tells everyone the truth about what has happened during the end-of-the-year party. After the resolution of her mental illness, she finally finds her place in the world
D-The patient arrived on time for his counseling session. Reported stable thus far and he recently accepted a dose increase. According to the patient, he tends to feel the withdrawals-difficulties sleeping and yawning. Denies any recent relapse, at which this writer provided a positive feedback. The patient is confident that his UDS result will be negative for this month and moving forward, if not, the patient will be referred to the clinic's self-help group, mainly the cocaine group.
This essay is an evaluation of two counselling models applied to a situation where a client has experienced loss and how a counsellor can create a therapeutic relationship with the client using each counselling model. It will also contain other skills a counsellor could use to obtain/maintain a good therapeutic relationship with the client.
Melinda got tired of living the pain. “Jeans that fit, that’s a good start. I have to stay away from the closet. I will make myself normal. Forget the rest of it,” (chapter 59, page 125). Melinda is tired of feeling stressed. She is growing as a person. She doesn’t want to be stuck in that situation anymore. She is now taking control because having flashbacks and trying to forget is not helping.
Rational for the Group: The need for conducting a group counseling program for adolescents is crucial because they are in a very critical stage in their life. Group couselling for
The goal of a counselor or my session is to help the client identify the problem that effecting her. Here is to offer techniques and strategies for dealing with her issues. Incorporate techniques and skill to the client. The goal to client is to get help for the student to learning how to cope with other I used a positive feedback. . I begin to focus on the behavior of student during the session. The counselor should make the session a two way communication process to find a solution to the problem.
Counselling sessions can help us work through a range of personal issues from everyday hardships to potentially life threatening situations. In this reflective essay I propose to put theory to practice by analysing and reflecting upon a one hour session with a professional counsellor. The session is to be recorded so I can refer to particular instances during the session.