
Cosmetic Surgery Covered By Insurances

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Cosmetic Surgery covered by Insurances? What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic Surgery is a way to refine the body in the way a woman wishes. Body refinement can be done to any woman and/or man under certain circumstances. Many women and men choose to go thru this method based on their self esteem and not liking the way a certain part of their body is, however many people believe they don’t have another option so the only method they believe will work is going thru this method. A second cause of undergoing this method would be due to reconstructive surgery. A large number of people may have gone thru an accident which might have left a body part deformed or caught a skin disease. To continue there is as well as many as many babies born with a certain disorders or abnormalities which require what is known as reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic surgery was first used as far back as 4,000 years ago for facial injuries or so it is according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In around the 1900’s cosmetic surgery was mostly used for reconstructive procedures for Soldiers who needed reconstruction after fighting in World War I as well as World War II being that most soldiers wanted to look the same as before they even went to war. After the 1950’s cosmetic surgery started becoming more known due to the value that it had from its soldier and it was not only used for reconstructive but it started being used for achieving a more better appearance. By the 2000’s cosmetic

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