
Correlation Between High Synergy And The High Success

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A team is defined as a group of people that work together on a task in order to achieve a goal. The unity of a team is commonly referred to as the synergy of a team. There seems to exist a correlation between high synergy and the high success a team can bring. In the present, globalization is prevalent throughout communities and businesses as well as the promotion of forming teams, rather than working individually. As a result, many businesses may also come across when trying to develop a team consisting of individuals across national borders and across oceans. These problems may include language barriers, cultural differences, and misunderstandings of the context by which something is said. In order to bring about success in a team work …show more content…

It is also commonly understood that working together allows for new possibilities to be reached that might have been unforeseen by that one individual alone.
From school projects, to clubs, to businesses on the IPO, teams and teamwork were essential to their growth, development and success. However, there are reasons as to why some teams work, and why others don’t. Reasons as to why some work and some don’t can be attributed to many factors. These factors may include communication issues, loyalty, trust, and lack of compliance within the team. Even though individuals are from the same or similar communities, communication is commonly declared as the root of all team issues. Other issues are also attributed to different personalities. People tend to work better with individuals that they can relate to and work similarly. The setting and context at which individuals work also influence team synergy. Everyone can relate to a situation where people are put into groups, or teams, and work was not done. The mentality people must have is one where they consider who they want or need on their team in order to achieve success, rather than who they like hoping to achieve success. What tends to happen is that people would rather work with individuals they like because of previous experiences. However, the context of the project may be unrelated to previous ones and personal matters can come into play. Eventually a

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