Our clinical group elected to do this semester’s teaching project on correct insulin administration. This topic is relevant because millions of Americans are currently affected with diabetes. Correct administration of the insulin injection is necessary for proper absorption, and also to prevent a condition where fat accumulates under the skin from injections called lipohypertrophy. This information is fundamental in the nursing process, due to nurses frequently administer insulin to patients, as well as play a vital role in patient education. Research has indicated that many patients do not recall receiving any education on how to administer insulin correctly. For our teaching, we created a poster to hang in the staff restroom on the ICU West floor at Redmond Medical …show more content…
We decided to use this method to convey the information, because the nurses on this floor are very busy taking care of sick patients. We felt it would be more convenient for them to look at the information, while they had a minute or two to themselves. To evaluate whether the teaching was effective, we created an evaluation sheet for the nurses to fill out. Some of the questions ask were: if the information was relevant to them in practice, how well the poster displayed the teaching data, how well the poster explained the need for injection rotation and to rate the overall teaching. Most of the nurses answered that they felt like the information was useful to them. However, there were a few that said the information was not that useful to them on that particular floor. The nurses, who did not feel the information was useful to them, thought the information would have been more useful to nurses on a regular floor such as the Medical
The RN diabetes educator makes a plan of care to teach Amanda to monitor her glucose levels. The RN diabetes educator discusses the use of self-glucose monitoring and gives Amanda verbal and written guidance about optimal glucose levels at each glucose testing point throughout the day. The nurse also provides instruction about calibration of the glucose monitor, fingerstick technique, and use of the monitor for testing. After reviewing the instructions and a successful return demonstration, the diabetes educator and Amanda agree to meet after Amanda's prenatal appointment to follow-up on today's teaching/learning.
The characteristics of my job will require focusing on the advantages and the disadvantages of one-to-one instruction and that of demonstration and return demonstration. Group discussions, team-based learning, cooperative learning, and seminars are instructional areas for which I can recommend my patients to attend. One-on-one instruction allows the exchange of information between the nurse and patient with regards to the characteristics of the patient, behavioral objectives, educator skills, and selection of appropriate teaching material (Bastable, 2014, p. 509). The communication skills are vital for nursing to create a relationship with the patient that would create an environment conducive to teach. Demonstration and return demonstration allows a nurse to show how to perform particular skills and evaluate the reacceptance of the skill by observing the patient perform it with minimal assistance (Bastable, 2014, p. 483). These instructional methods are stretched out over the course of the patient’s stay and are not the sole focus of teaching only at discharge. I take advantage of teaching moments throughout the shift to help plan for an effective final discharge instructions. This hand on approach allows teaching moments to have a positive affect on clients when presented with written material and information upon
Three education materials were selected for further evaluation to identify its effectiveness in delivery patient education.
Within the first 40 hours I attended and observed a patient education board meeting. The meeting consisted of nurses, doctors, and the library. The discussions are on how to educate the patients. Each department presents potential patient education material. All materials must be approved by the board and must adhere to a six-grade reading level. I observed the monthly nurses board meeting where the discussion focused on nurse’s research and submission of their work to the new digital repository.
NOTE: Select the correct length of the cannula so you do not accidentally stand for deep into the muscle.
In a article written by the Joslin diabetes center, they compare insulin injections versus insulin pumps and they stated that the injections required education and training. The use of insulin pumps and injection therapy is cheaper than pump therapy a lot of people don't realize how much training and education is involved with pump, therefore injections are a more easier method. The cons of having insulin injections is that low blood glucose levels can happen because diabetics can be using many different kinds of insulin. Frequent injections can also mean that the patient can develop a resistant in areas of the body where the insulin may not be absorbed correctly. With the insulin pump the pump does deliver insulin continuously throughout
5. Name some diabetes resources that would help Sybel review new guidelines and ideas concerning diabetes as a disease, medications, nutrition programs, and so forth.
Many individuals learn using a combination of styles. After considering all aspects of my patient I created my teaching plan to benefit visual, auditory, and tactile learners. My plan included an informative brochure that I created at a reading level suitable for my patient and visual aids consisting of tables such as “My Plate,” nutrition labels, and certain foods to avoid. The visual aids were necessary for my patient’s literacy level
Rapid-acting insulin— Three injected rapid-acting insulin analogs—insulin lispro, insulin aspart and insulin glulisine – are commercially available. The rapid-acting insulins permit more physiologic prandial insulin replacement because their rapid onset and ealrly peak action more closely mimic normal endogenous prandial insulin secretion than does regular insulin and they have the additional benefit of allowing insulin to be taken immediately before the meal without sacrificing glucose control.
A teaching plan is one of the most important steps in nursing process. It is a vital tool used to achieve the best quality of patient care. A nurse should teach the patient what they need to know about their disease or disorder, diet, treatment, medication regimens, and self-care (Taylor, LeMone, Lillis, & Lynn, 2008). In this paper, I will explain teaching plan for diabetes patient with regular insulin injection including with the purpose of plan, outcomes, behavioral objectives, and teaching method.
The next time he decided that to administer insulin. Clinical assessors required to make professional judgements in interpreting what the minimum acceptable levels of competence are in respect to professional standards. These judgements are frequently made with in the role relationship of that of a mentor cum assessor to a student (Stuart 2005). As it is a skill involved, I found it was difficult for him to memorise all the step and rationales. I explained about my experience when I was a student nurse and concept of learning through practice. For students learning during clinical practice is a complex activity. The student has to contend and learn to deal with complex, unstable and uncertain worlds of practice (Schon 1987). With on going support I facilitated learning environment to practice the procedure under supervision
Medication is something that already revolves around any type of illnesses. Insulin and other medicines are designed to lower your blood sugar levels when dieting and exercise alone are not working. Timing and dosage are very important because taking insulin or medication at the wrong time or taking the wrong dosage can heavily effect your blood sugar levels, as they can either rise or fall. Storing insulin or other medicines is very important, as if not stored correctly can become ineffective, meaning your blood sugar levels will stay either low or high until active insulin or medicine is used. Insulin itself is sensitive to change in temperatures, and so must be kept to the right temperature as it says on the packaging. If you find any problems
This article is a review of other articles that discusses how the of use of continuous insulin therapy in the perioperative phase produced positive outcomes and the level of glucose control that is needed to achieve optimal clinical outcomes. The outcomes from studies that were conducted showed that patients with glucose levels on the higher side increased mortality, morbidity, and a drastic increase in complications such as surgical site infections. Due to these complications, diabetic patients have a longer stay in the hospital. In addition, some trials showed that continuous insulin infusions were more successful in decreasing glucose levels than intermittent infusions. Sternal wound infection is a major factor that causes morbidity and
Most of the patients were on insulin but different types and doses namely rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate-acting, long-acting, and pre-mixed depending on the individual’s response to insulin (WebMD, 2014). The incident that helped me achieve my learning need was when a diabetic patient in his late thirties known as patient A, was admitted with a diabetic foot ulcer medically referred to as a neuropathic foot ulcer. Krentz and Bailey, 2001 in their research found that neuropathic foot ulcers generate when diabetes causes nerve damage in the feet and alters the ability for the feet to feel pain. This causes unnoticed ulcers on the affected feet which later develop into bigger ulcers. On the morning of my third day, after handovers, I went on drug rounds with my mentor and for patient A, I noticed that he had 6 different types of drugs for his diabetic condition. Most of the drugs that were administered to him were also given to other diabetes patients on the ward. I told my mentor what I had noticed and he confirmed that those 6 drugs were commonly used for diabetic patients. I listed down those drugs in a small pocket diary I always carried along on that ward. Later that day during lunch break, I sat with my mentor and discussed my learning needs with him making mention of this particular one and discussed measures that would help me achieve my objectives.
The nurse should act as a facilitator, creating an environment conducive to learning that motivates individuals to want to learn and makes it possible for them to learn (Musinski, 1999). The assessment of learning needs, the designing of a teaching plan, the implementation of instructional methods and materials, and the evaluation of teaching and learning should include participation by both the educator and the learner. Thus, the emphasis should be on the facilitation of learning from a nondirective rather than a didactic teaching approach (Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 1998; Musinski, 1999; Mangena & Chabeli, 2005; Donner et al., 2005).