
Corporate Branding And Consumer Opinion

Decent Essays

Corporate branding and consumer opinion Corporations need to sell their product if they want to survive in the business industry. Consumers are aware of what they desire, dislike, and for the most part make their choices accordingly. For those that cannot decide as easily, there are many choices of different brands of the same product sold by different companies. When a corporation puts their label or name on the product, it is called branding (Klein 778). That is the way of consumerism and a way to make a product more tantalizing, is to think of extraordinary marketing concepts. This essay will discuss corporate brands and the effect on consumers, then, the paper will examine the concept of Neuromarketing. Corporations are not forcing anyone to use their product, but they are trying to capitalize and make themselves a household name. There is an expression, ‘keeping up with the Jones or nowadays the Kardashians, and what that means is, the assumption would be that someone is attempting to obtain the same type of lifestyle or the same objects as someone else. Celebrities pay substantial amounts of money for fashion and designer product and many of them participate in campaign ads promoting different products. Celebrities make us think that if we purchase these items, we could be like the rich and famous. Often corporations make you think that if you buy their products, you can do and be better at life in general. For instance; the popular sports drink Gatorade has a

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