
Coretta Scott King Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

If you ladies are adamant about feminism, realize that Black women have our own movements, such as Womanism(Alice Walker) Africana Womanism (Cleonora Hudson-Weems). Even when it comes to feminism, we were very active, as a matter fact we invented the feminist movement. Coretta Scott King not only helped with the Civil Rights Movement she was also active in the feminist movement. There is Black feminism that addresses sexism, racism, class. Some great black feminist are bell hooks, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde, Barbara Smith were among the few. There were organizations like the Combahee River Collective and NBFO. However, I understand as Black women, we always felt we must pick one over the other that is a struggle that the women faced during the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Right Movement. Many people always tend to avoid this, but sexism was …show more content…

Some simply don't see it as important as racism not realizing that both intersect when it comes to Black women. Daniel Ken Holtzclaw did what he did to those women because they were Black and Women. Sexual abuse is another form of police bruality and it's the second highest after excessive force. Why did he think he could get away with it ? Due to the Jezebel stereotype, which revolves around the belief Black women could not be rape victims. Also, he felt entitled to those women bodies he used his power to take advantage of and degraded those women. I am not shaming anyone who choose to racism over sexism, because racism is a huge problem that we need to fight together. Black women on a large scale realize racism that's why we have always and continue to fight against it. But, we must acknowledge that sexism is also a problem and realize the ways in which Black women experience it. This is including internalized sexism we must examine ourselves and realize the ways we perpetrate

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