
Contributors to our Successful Government Essay

Decent Essays

Our government has been shaped and molded from an unsuccessful government to a highly sufficient government. There are many contributors to our government. Many of the top contributors include; The Articles of Confederation, Thomas Paine's Common Sense, Early State Constitutions, The Annapolis convention, And Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of independence ( the Preamble). In 1754, during the Revolutionary War the Continental congress created the Articles of Confederations, as a format for a United Government. The Articles of Confederation linked the 13 states together to deal with common problems, but in practice they did more than provide a legal basis for the limited authority that the Continental Congress was already excercising. …show more content…

The defeats were; the barriers set up to limit trade and commerce between the largely independent states under the Articles of Confederation. In January of 1776, Thomas Paine, a part-time corset maker and tax collector from England,published a pamphlet known as Common Sense. Paine unleashed his anger and directed it towards King George III. While Colonial leaders wrote petitions to persuade the king to relinquish control of the colonies, Thomas Paine step forwarded and called the king, “ A Royal Brute”, unworthy of America's respect. Common Sense called for an end to the colonists' political wavering over British rule and promoted the idea of an American Republic where free citizens, not a Monarch,were in control. Within months of Common Sense being released 150,000 copies were released into circulation, throughout the colonies. Many colonist considered Paine's view of a new American political system apart from Great Britian's radical view, it inspired Patriots to break free from tradition and support independance. In the late 1776, members of congress believed a formal plan was needed to unify the colonies, secure foreign assistance,and formally declare America's break from England. When Thomas Jefferson formed the Declaration of Independence, the Congress called the colonies to craft new state constitutions. Although the Articles of Confederation left the Central government weak, it empowered the states. The new

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