
Contract Analysis Paper

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Contract Analysis
What should you do about continuing to do business with Marshall?
It is good to acknowledge that ethical behavior begins with me independently. I cannot anticipate that society will become improved unless I as an individual commit to becoming a more moral and ethical person. In the textbook Understanding Business (2002), the authors wrote “[e]thics is caught more than it is taught. That is, people learn their standards and values from observing what others do, not from hearing what they say. This is as true in business as it is at home” (Nickels, Mchugh, & Mchugh, p. 99). My son was ignorant to the severity of the document he signed and most likely did so because he thought he was doing something in the best interest of the …show more content…

I feel that I have a moral obligation. After all, our products would not have received national recognition and consequently produced the lucrative business offer before us if it weren’t for Marshall placing them in his store. Covenants or promises saturate the bible. God made many promises to in the Old Testament and so did Jesus in the New Testament. They kept their word and set the foundation on contracts, if you will, and still honor their words today. I would briefly explain to Marshall that my son signed the document without my consent or knowledge and that this was the first time I was hearing this news. Then I would ask if he would be open to sitting down to discuss everything sometime in the …show more content…

I am a representative of God and the Christian lifestyle. If I stop doing business with Marshall, he may become hardened and turn away from Christ. That is the last thing I would want. I would ask his wife to pray over the situation. In the bible, Isaiah 55:8, God tells us that His ways are not our ways. This is because His ways are bigger and better than our ways could ever be. In the book of James, chapter four, the bible says to resist the devil and selfishness and to seek God during

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