
Continuum Strategies

Decent Essays

Continuum Strategies Teaching requires developing lesson plans that build the students base of knowledge and then lead them to independent learning through the use of continuum strategies. By effectively using continuum strategies the classroom teacher can create learning opportunities that move the lesson from teacher-centered to teacher-assisted then on to peer-assisted and culminating with student-centered acquisition of content material. This continuum is very effective for the English language learners(ELL) in that it offers sheltered learning opportunities within the continuum to support and facilitate learning of English as well as content area material. By interfacing continuum strategies with the Sheltered Immersion Observation …show more content…

The first area where continuum strategies can be interfaced with the SIOP model is by using Meta-cognitive strategies. This can begin with teacher-centered learning to the whole class by stating lesson objectives and learning goals within the lesson. Direct teaching to the whole class interfaces the two models by using methods such as defining vocabulary using a PowerPoint illustrated with images that match or reinforce learning of the vocabulary, demonstrating how to make a wet mount slide or having the group recite vocabulary terms as a way to learn new terms. Another step in the continuum using the Meta-cognitive strategies would be moving to a teacher-assisted scenario where the teacher works with the whole group brainstorming or discussing key points of the material in an attempt to move the students toward more independent and self-regulating learning. This brings in the Meta-cognitive strategies in the form of giving the students opportunities to start thinking independently while providing a sheltered …show more content…

Cognitive strategies also enables students to learn skills that will help them understand and organize information through reading strategies such as two column notes, repeat reading study skills, use of imagery and analogies, as well as effective application of clustering, graphic organizers and outlining. When students are taught through the use of continuum strategies the teacher develops a set of behaviors in students that met the ESL standards (TESOL, 1997). This includes skills such as self-monitoring and correcting, learning from context, use of self-assessment, asking for help, imitating native speakers, and using reference material when needed. By providing scaffolding for students the teacher creates an environment that enables students to meet ESL standards as well as learning content area standards.
Application of Continuum and SIOP

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