
Contemporary Health And Exercise Analysis

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James Allen once said, “A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.” Contemporary Health is an extraordinary subject. Growing up, I was the child who was always over weight when they went to the doctor for a check up. I was the child who was always put on diets by their doctor. I was the child that was always made fun of in grade school for being “fat” and “tall.” Because of these things, I became very self-conscious about my health growing up and I still am to this day. I have only been in this class 3 times and I have already learned so much. The chapter that …show more content…

4 common reasons of why people don’t exercise are because first, they don’t like gyms. Second, it costs too much. Third, they don’t have enough time. Lastly, exercise hurts. To begin, you don’t have to go to a gym. There are other workouts and things to do that you can do at home or at the park or anywhere you feel comfortable! Gyms do cost a lot, but there are ways you can make your own work out equipment and there are exercises one can do that do not require any equipment at all! Anyone will feel that they don’t have enough time to work out, but in all reality out of your 24 hours of your day; it only takes at least 30 minutes to work out. One is more then capable to accomplish 30 minutes out of 24 hours. Exercising can hurt, yes, but it doesn’t have to. One can work until it starts to hurt and they stop and repeat. This gives more repetitions in one’s work out. When creating an exercise plan, one must include aerobic exercises, strength exercises, and stretching. Aerobic exercises include swimming, jogging, bicycling, walking, etc. Strength exercises include weight lifting, push-ups, sit-ups, calisthenics, etc. One must know and understand the frequency of the exercise one should do. Also, one should understand the intensity of each exercise. One should also understand the amount of time they should do the exercise for. And lastly one should know the type of exercise they want to accomplish. One should not do strength …show more content…

First, wait one to two hours after eating to before performing any exercise. This will causing nausea and cramping if not followed through. Next, drink plenty of water (two cups 15 minutes before working out and small amounts every 10 minutes during exercise.) One must stay hydrated so they do not lose consciousness during their exercise! Want to check to see if you are hydrated? Look at your urine color! If it is a dark yellow, you are very dehydrated. If it is a light yellow, almost clear, you are very hydrated! Next, wear light cotton clothing when exercising. If you wear something breathable like nylon this will block in the moisture and cause horrible body order, body blemishes and in some cases, infections. Lastly, never hold your breath while exercising. One’s body will automatically want to hold your breath when putting stress on itself. This will cause hyperventilation and cramping. One will have to force their body to breath evenly otherwise it will be harmful to ones

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