
Consumer's Familiarity With Instagram As A Marketing Platform

Better Essays

Chapter Three: Methodology

Based on the Literature Review in Chapter Two, it could be seen that there were three essential factors that needed to be investigated in more detail i.e.:
• Consumer’s familiarity with Instagram as a marketing platform
• Consumer’s perception of the celebrity as an opinion leader
• Consumer’s product knowledge


A shortfall acknowledged in Chapter Two found neglected aspects in research discussing a consumer’s perception to celebrities as product experts and to Instagram, as a social media marketing platform. Therefore, the study utilised the research objectives set, to discover new research into the overall attractiveness behind marketers using celebrity endorsements, in order to indicate whether they had any influence on participants’ purchase intentions.
Moreover, as there were insufficiencies evident in literature that lacked reviewing Instagram as a media in its own right, research was conducted to support if the delivery mechanism of putting pictures on Instagram were more or less effective than on any other social media platform.

Relationships amongst perceived risk and perceived value were two fields considered extremely significant in marketing. Snoj, Pisnik, Korda and Memel (2004) tried and tested these variables under the Model of Structural Equation to explore the type of relationships consumers had with upcoming mobile technology. The authors found mixed bearings in their research, discovering that despite

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