
Consumerism In Brave New World

Satisfactory Essays

In the book, Brave New World, written by Adolus Huxley the author demonstrates how consumerism fills the underminded individuals with artificial "happiness" due to unnessacary luxuries. With the huge emphasize of consumptions, it makes them feel obliterated to buy, buy and buy without the need to. For example, in our era we are filled with luxuries like; electronics, endless amounts of clothing, expensive shoes or watches. We like the thought of a seven-hundred dollar watch on our wrists because it fills people with exictment taunting them to buy more and more expensive materials. In BNW, buying is considered second nature. In the World State, to be economically stable they rely on buying the new and greatest goods and are identified by what they own. …show more content…

We cannot even have a nice Thanksgiving Holiday where we thank our family, the food we have sitting on our dinner table and for the abundance of materials and luxieries we already have. To some people, that may seem like it's not enough. The author says,"Thanksgiving is just a holiday, but stuff, things, toys, and gadgets - these are what life is about." I don't agree, I may not know if he's being serious or he's being sarcastic, but there are so many greater things in life than a "30 dollar DVD player at Walmart." It affects me as an individual for the reason is I'm always tempted to buy the newest of the newest because I always feel so outdated if I don't. An example, I love online shopping for smaller materials like make-up or cool little gadgets you can't always get in stores. Ulta, is having a 21 day sale going on as you read this, I'm tempted to shut the blog site and continue shopping, but that's what consumerism in our era is doing to

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