
Constructive Climate Cohesiveness

Satisfactory Essays

Considering, the scenario given for this assignment, I was able to determine the negative atmosphere, limited materials, as well as the lack of interactions between students and staff members. Undoubtedly, this program needs improvement and in order, to fulfill this obligation, I would change the climate of the staff. As a result, of the completing the organizational climate questionnaire, I was able to determine how to proceed in my goal. Overall, an establishment of developing a constructive climate cohesiveness,along with promoting standards of excellence, will be the key in having success for this program. The fact that, the staff members rarely interact with each other as well as the students, is the major flaw in their organization. Unfortunately, without …show more content…

In consequence, the performance and effectives of improving the early child care program, will have a much stronger impact on the function of the groups. At any rate, I believe by following these norms, will better evolve and shape this program into full maximize effectiveness. Furthermore, another concept I will provide, is setting a mission gaol for all the staff to work together to achieve by having group meetings. Additionally, I will provide an agenda for the staff to follow to accomplish goals. For example, their will be weekly team builds and games that requires all of the staff members to participate in. In addition, group discussions for fundraising towards equipment and materials will also be discussed. Thus, this will build the staff cohesiveness, along with using their new knowledge in teaching the children. Finally, I will reward not only the children for achieving goals, but the staff as well. To demonstrate, the class with the highest grade point average, will receive a pizza party and that teacher could win a certificate to a restaurant or

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