The Similarities and Differences Between the Design, Construction and Environmental Performance of a Typical Mesopotamian ‘Courtyard’ House and a Roman ‘Peristyle’ House. To consider the similarities and differences of the aforementioned aspects of the house types, it necessitates first to define the terms under which the comparisons are made. Considering the era in question, 10000BC until 550AD, it seems incomprehensible, whilst appreciating similarities due to influence of climate, geographical location and peoples of the area, not to expect differences in the design. Here I use the definition of design as an image created to communicate the appearance and function of a building, due to the advancement of civilization in that time, and the increase in material want. Likewise, advances in skill and technology (even at a very basic pre BC level, was huge, influencing the construction; Construction I would define as - the action of building something, for example a building or large structure. Lastly over time, the ancient civilizations would have become increasingly aware of the potential and viability of adapting their buildings to reap the benefits of environmental factors whilst at the same time and over time, incorporating environmental performance; that is how the building reacts to its geographical location and climate. Placing both houses in a historical context, the Mesopotamian ‘courtyard’ house dates more specifically to the time 10000BC to 600BC, whilst the
Exploring the Art and Architecture of the Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia) and the Art from the Ancient Aegean.
Their architectural innovations included arches, columns, ramps, and the pyramid-shaped ziggurat.” Prior to this point, structures
In 1950, V Gordon Childe drew up a list of traits of to what he considered to be the common characteristics of early civilizations. According to Fagan & Scarre, a recent archaeologist Charles Redman divided Childe’s list into primary and secondary characteristics. The primary characteristics included cities and states, together with full-time specialization of labor, concentration of surplus, and a class-structured society. For the secondary, the characteristics included symptoms or by-products of these major economic and organizational changes: monumental public works, long-distance trade, standardized monumental artworks, writing, and the sciences (arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy)(Scarre and Fagan 2003). One of the most common characteristics involve was a large, dense population living in a city. This essay well state and describe two early cities in Mesopotamia and explore the layouts and characteristics of these two cities. Also, whether each city is unique or share common characteristics with each other. The two cities are Maskan-shapir and Ur.
Many architectural and urban forms and elements that we witness today are largely influenced by how buildings were design and laid in Rome. Not only in terms of its external design that brought upon important messages but the design of interiors and the significance of spatial arrangement of spaces exist within them has created the sense of physical experience in the buildings as well. Rome’s urban development and the rise of architectural movement began during the time of Augustus
Despite the various disparities and rivalry between the Roman and Persian Empires, the two empires share some similarities in the way they developed their urban planning and architectural designs. Both the Persian and Roman Empires found a way of leveraging political points through the architectural designs of their structure. Examples can be seen from the Persian palaces in Persepolis and the Forum in Rome. The Persepolis and the Forum have a difference when it comes to the architectural planning. The Persepolis’ plan contains fewer structures than the Forum.
The similarities and differences between the design, construction and environmental performance of a typical Mesopotamian ‘courtyard’ and a Roman ‘peristyle’ house
This is proof of the Sumerian architectural abilities. The architecture in Mesopotamia are considered to have been contemporary with the founding of the Sumerian cities, but there was some complexity in the architectural design during this Protoliterate period (c. 3400-c. 2900 BC). This is shown in the design of many religious buildings. Typical temples of the Protoliterate period--both the platform type and the type built at ground level--are, however, much more elaborate both in planning and ornament. The interior was decorated with cones sunk into the wall, covered in bronze. Most cities were simple in structure, but the ziggurat was one of the world's first complex architectural structures.
Their ways differed a little bit, Mesopotamia had walls while Ancient Egypt was happy with just the
To transfer over to the Neolithic period, we see a new kind of housing come about which were sun-baked mud brick on stone. These shelters had
This essay will initially look at the period prior to 620 BC to see if there is any evidence to suggest that the ancient Greeks may have imitated another civilizations designs to create the three architectural orders that Vitruvius wrote about in his Ten Books of Architecture. The next part of this essay will look at each of the three columns to discuss their virtues in relation to proportionality, structure and visual imitation.
As the saying goes “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” however long it took to build the capital, the days, months, years, centuries of work can be viewed as a long lasting landmark which paved the way for new and challenging architecture to come (How Roman architecture influenced modern architecture [sa]). According to Tony Rook (2013: [sp] ch.2) the typical Roman temple shows the Etruscan tradition combined with the Greek one. Although some of their premature concepts were acquired from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, Roman architects transformed the body of architecture for all time to come, offering buildings and structures that has never been before, along the side of public buildings and infrastructure that could be used by
Ancient Roman dwellings evolved architecturally in time from simple huts in the earliest times, to sophisticated and extremely long-lived structures in the later Republic and Imperial Rome following the annexation of the Greek city-states. This is very evident in many Italian and Greek cities where archaeologists have found different occupational levels, with each lower architectural strata being much more ancient (Lavan, Özgenel, & Sarantis, 2007). Typically, however, Roman architecture refers to the period from the establishment of the Roman Republic (6 century BC) to the relocation of the capital to Constantinople in 330AD. An architectural period supported by two great innovations: the cement and the arch.
The history of Architecture started long time ago. The nomadic were groups of people whom move from one place to another in order find shelter and food to survive. As they progress, their techniques to survive evolve. The need for a permanent shelter became vital for a better stability of the group. This is the time when the first structures that provided protection appeared. Post and lintel were the first forms of Architecture, that satisficed the basic needs. Architecture evolved to be more sophisticated and fulfill the people’s needs. Consequently, Architecture evolved throughout different periods such as: Ancient architecture, Romanesque, The medieval, Renaissance, Early modern, and the industrial age, Modernism and Contemporary
Two types of tombs have been distinguished: the Nabataean and the Greco-Roman. The Nabataean type starts from the simple pylon-tomb with a door set in a tower crowned by a parapet ornament, in imitation of the front of a dwelling-house. Then, after passing through various stages, the full Nabataean type is reached, retaining all the native features and at the same time exhibiting characteristics which are partly Egyptian and partly Greek. Of this type close parallels exist in the tomb-towers at Mada'in Saleh in north Arabia, which bear long Nabataean inscriptions and supply a date for the corresponding monuments at Petra. Then comes a series of tombfronts which terminate in a semicircular arch, a feature derived from north Syria. Finally come the elaborate façades copied from the front of a Roman temple; however, all traces of native style have vanished. The exact dates of the stages in this development cannot be fixed. Few inscriptions of any length have been found at Petra, perhaps because they have perished with the stucco or cement which was used upon many of the buildings. The simple pylon-tombs which belong to the pre-Hellenic age serve as evidence for the earliest period. It is not known how far back in this stage the Nabataean settlement goes, but it does not go back farther than the 6th century BC. A period follows in which the dominant
The closed and reinforced courtyard house is thus a product of cultural polygenesis dating to the Bronze Age, and it has endured in the Mediterranean basin In the form of classical atrium and pastas house to be adopted finally by the Islamised people in the Dar al Islam.