
Conserve Water In The Old World And The New World

Decent Essays

In the book plan B 4.0, chapter 2 gives the reader an introduction in irrigation of groundwater in the old world and the New World. This chapter intrigued me the most due to the fact that water is such a vital survival asset of our society yet we still choose to abused the gift that we have been given. For my thesis, I will plan to focus on a portion of the chapter that I find both most important and very personal. While finding a way to conserve water in the first world, we must not forget that the third world is suffering a reality that we as a first world will not see for centuries. Water, is essential to any known life form. Because water is so vital and important, making sure that there is enough for a community is always the primary concern of any leader. In 2015, drinking water has become a non-issue for many countries. For example here in America, no one ever thinks twice when they're thirsty because some type of water machine or store has water provided for drinking. These are the privileges of living in a country that has enough resources or money to make sure that its population retains sometime of health. In West Africa, specifically Nigeria, water resource is an everyday issue. …show more content…

In the many death cases that have been researched, most of the accidents that occurred in these rural areas has some type of relations to water. Inadequate water can lead to illnesses, diseases, and sometimes death. Along with the exponential population growth in West Africa, this epidemic is becoming more of a harsh reality every single day. With 94% of the 1.4 million deaths every year due to Diarrhea, a search for a better cost-effective and sanitary water treatment is an emergency that needs to be taken care of

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