
Consequences Of Hate In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The Consequences of Hate
Romeo and Juliet In the romantic historical tale of Romeo and Juliet , many rash and impulsive decisions were made by many in this story and it was all a result from misunderstandings and hate. With every decision they made they knew nothing of the real consequences they’ll have to face but in a way some knew of the consequences and chose to ignore it. Misunderstandings and miscommunications were bound to happen, but hate as the result was very alarming and sadly there was no way to put a halt on what consequences were to come. Even in the beginning , into the introduction it was stated in the prologue of Act one , that even before the start of Romeo and Juliet’s love that “ From ancient grudge break new mutiny” . The ending to the romance tale, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet was the outcome of the hatred between the two noble families.

“ These violent delights have violent ends” The Friar stated in doubt to Romeo and Juliet’s supposed love for each other and he couldn’t be more right to have some worry to the sudden union. The marriage of Romeo and Juliet was also the reason for hate because it led to the death of Mercutio and Tybalt but that will be discussed another time. In a sense the …show more content…

“ Tybalt's death was the consequences of his hatred towards Romeo and his inability to listen and make peace led to his death. Tybalt was blinded by his own hatred and that is what led him to his very death and what was the rising action that would lead to Romeo and Juliet’s death. After Romeo’s banishment, Juliet and the Friar made the decision to help both Romeo and Juliet, in their crisis and leading to Romeo arriving at Juliet’s families crypt . To the death of Juliet’s suitor Paris, in this scene the hate between families led to Romeo and Juliet killing themselves so they could finally be together

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