
Consequences Of Destruction In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is a timeless tale which unveils the tragic story of two young lovers. In the play, the characters, which come from rivaling families, fall madly in love while failing to take into account the possible negative consequences of their relationship. Their naivety and spontaneous behaviour ultimately leads to their destruction. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet are two immature teenagers who lack common sense due to their infatuation for one another, lack of communication and problematic marriage.
Romeo and Juliet quickly develop an infatuation for one another from their first encounter. Romeo proves to fall in love easily when he quickly changes his love interest from Rosaline to Juliet. This shows that his love is fickle and …show more content…

Between both Romeo and Juliet’s families feud, this young couple struggle to express their love for one another. Both Romeo and Juliet are the children of the two rival families, yet still strive to make their relationship work for their strong and inseparable love. The couple becomes conflicted with their relationship due to their family’s ancient grudge. Although, Juliet still seeks for Romeo’s love but is unsure if it will be successful with their certain situation as she clearly states in this quote, “O, thinkest thou we shall ever meet again?” (3.5.51). In Romeo and Juliet’s circumstances, their relationship suffered from lack of communication which made it harder for them to separate due to the short amount of time they spent together. They both craved for one another’s love as the their relationship developed throughout the play even through tough situations. Communication refers back to infatuation because the couple is too young and inexperienced to grasp on the fact of real love. They are unable to comprehend the true meanings of their emotions which prevents them from having a stronger relationship. Romeo and Juliet do not realize all the dangers and consequences they have with their problematic marriage. Marriage is about the passionate love and the commitment in the relationship but the couple is too immature to understand what a committed relationship is and the true

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