
Conor Grennan The Third World Analysis

Decent Essays

On Conor Grennan’s website, he has a quote that is relatively short but holds a much larger meaning than on the surface. The quote itself can be broken into different part and elaborated from there. The first part goes as such “The fact is, volunteering is no longer a fringe activity”, it takes on a literal meaning be that volunteering is no longer an uncommon activity for many people. It’s now becoming a more socially recognized activity. The next part of the quote is “The world gets smaller every day and we have a responsibility to understand what looks like.” I think he means that with the internet and social media, people aren’t out there discovering the world for what it truly is. They don’t truly see and understand how the third-world countries really are and the conditions …show more content…

One person may seem insignificant and unable to make a difference, but that wrong. in Grennan’s novel, he’s enhanced people’s lives and reunited families broken apart by war, poverty, etc in Nepal and Humla. Grennan reassembled families by attempting and succeeding to find the families of children who were trafficked throughout Nepal. He also created homes for these once trafficked children without families. Human trafficking is one of the many problems that exist because of the constant disregard of human rights throughout Nepal. Other examples of the abuse of human rights are unlawful killings, disappearances, abductions, torture, etc performed by both security forces and maoist cadre.(Amnesty International) Despite agreements and provision, these problems continue to plague Nepal. Grennan realized these problems and continued to volunteer his time to help these people. He is a prime example that one person can make a difference and that when people work together and volunteer, that thousands upon millions of lives can be affected for the

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