Connecticut Equine Clinic is the premier equine veterinary clinic in the Coventry, Connecticut region. Equine podiatry is the understanding of the form and function of the horse foot. Combining information from a physical exam, radiology and ultrasound with therapeutic farriery can relieve and prevent foot problems. Many problems associated with lowered performance and perceived behavioral issues may actually be signs of pain in the feet. Refusing jumps, difficulty in executing leads, loss of performance and more can indicate foot pain. Hock, stifle, caudal heels, knees back and even biting problems may simply be pain and damage as the result of hoof imbalances. Taking preemptive action can optimize long term health and welfare of the horse and reduce or avoid down time.
The horse foot is a unique and complex organ comprised of several components, each performing specific functions that work together and complement the group as a whole unit. The horse’s foot is much like a mechanical model that serves to suspend, support and move the horse. An intricate balance and equilibrium
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Proper, timely hoof care can often make the difference between a sound performance and one with chronic lameness. For over 29 years, Connecticut Equine Clinic has offered an unwavering commitment to the care of horses. For the best equine veterinary clinic in the region, contact Connecticut Equine Clinic at (860) 742-1580, conveniently located in Coventry,
To help a rider loosen their hips and keep their legs in correct alignment with their shoulders the rider should let her legs hang as long as possible, straighten her pelvis and point her toes as if she were try do get them to drag in the dirt. The leg should stay relaxed while doing this exercise. After fifteen to twenty seconds of stretching the toes down flex the toes up towards the ceiling while still keeping the hip angle open and the legs long and draping around the horse’s sides, hold this position for fifteen to twenty seconds. Repeat the above process at least two or three more times than bend your legs just enough so that your calves come in contact with the horse’s stomach and bring the toe in, so that the foot is parallel with the horse, and slightly up. This will help prevent bracing into the stirrups and driving the leg forward. This exercise can also be done at the trot and canter.
To tack up a horse in the traditional method, the rider will acquire their horse and then begin brushing their horse. Brushing the horse removes dirt, dandruff, and other residue that could be a possible irritant to the horse’s skin. The rider will then place a saddle pad, which is a thick cloth that is generally a centimeter in thickness, over the horse’s back. The saddle will then be placed on top of this thin padding and secured around the horse with a girth. The girth will be tightened around the horse so that it can sufficiently remain in place on the horse’s back throughout the ride. Then the rider will proceed to place a bridle on their horse and fasten their bridle around the horse’s face. The rider will then lead their horse from the barn, mount their horse and proceed to ride. The horse and rider will ride for a long enough duration that the horse has mildly perspired. The outline of the saddle that is visible is the perspiration on the horse’s back. These outlines could contain asymmetrical perspiration marks or outlines that would show an uneven weight distribution. Both of which will be analyzed. This step in the procedure should be repeated on multiple different types of horse numerous time to achieve a sufficient
To evaluate conformation and gait analysis, an example of a thoroughbred racehorse was examined to show structure and balance; good conformation within perimeters; way of going through photographic evidence to support gait analysis. The horse is a 6 year old, 15.3hh thoroughbred racehorse who has a good pedigree, has won and placed in races on
When looking for a horse dentist in the Coventry, Connecticut area, look no further than Connecticut Equine Clinic. Our veterinarians offer thorough dental examinations and treatment for horses. Equine dentistry is the care of healthy teeth as well as the treatment of unhealthy teeth. It involves the use of floats, either mechanical or power rasps to file down the teeth.
There are many biomechanical actions that happen over very short times during equine locomotion that make gait analysis difficult to evaluate using normal diagnostic tools (Clayton, 1993).
The Breeders' Cup as it’s called, is less than two months away, so let’s change it up, and talk about some horse feet today! Here are some fun horse foot facts as they relate to human feet!
Stretched tendons, torn muscles, and sprained joints are all things that can be healed by vets or even better equine massage therapists. Equine massage therapy is a unique industry within the horse world. Massage therapists are hired to relax horses after hard performance, and help them recover from any various injury they may acquire. Equine injuries are inevitable; recovering from an injury can be very complicated and costly; however there is an alternative. Massage therapy used as a rehabilitation technique can strengthen the injury to heal correctly without future complications, keep the horses muscles relaxed and operating correctly, and assisting the horse to recover in a natural state with no medications. Healing an injury can take many weeks or even months to accomplish, but with massage therapy the healing can be done very efficiently.
Hello class, as you may know by now my name is Peighton Davis and I have a passion for horses and I wanted to learn more of the ways horses can help you. For the past couple of weeks I have been looking into horse therapy also known as Equine Therapy. So, I decided my Genius Hour question would be, What is Equine Therapy and how does it help people ?
One may wonder what equine therapy even means, in the article “Equine Therapy: Substance Abusers’ ‘“Healing Through Horses”’, explains how equine therapy has helped individuals that have gone through a tough time in their lives and need an alternative to change their lives around in a positive manner. Therapy with horses has also been proven to individuals that have certain disabilities as well. There are two organizations that do exactly that, the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association and the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association.
During a hippotherapy session, individuals work to improve their physical capabilities. While walking, the horse's body position changes periodically, allowing
think that it is very important aspect of horses that is important to emphasis when studying the
During that time hoof care needs to be done
The abuse that the Tennessee Walking horses are forced to endure is completely unnecessary. Soring techniques are used to achieve an extremely unnatural gait. This desired gait is the
To begin, if a horse's hooves aren’t picked, a disease called thrush can be caused. Thrush is an infection that eats away at the tissues of the frog which is located in the hoof. This infection causes discomfort to the horse, and if it gets unbearable, it can cause lameness. When a horse is exposed to pain in their feet, it won’t stand or walk on it for one of two reasons; it refuses
First off when purchasing your horse you have to watch for proper balance. Balance is arguably the most important aspect when examining a horse since it is fundamental for both movement and performance, this is determined by the horse's bone structure.(Duberstein) Some aspects that play a role in determining the balance includes the horse's weight along with the proportions and angles of the body. A horse can be light weighted or heavy weighted and still balanced if its bone structure allows for equal distribution of that weight. Appropriate balance of a horse allows it to carry itself in a well mannered fashion.("Test Your Eye for Horse Conformation") Along with a horse's balance, structural correctness plays a major role in