
Confucianism Vs Legalism Essay

Decent Essays

Which philosophy provides a better framework for the government, Confucianism or Legalism?

Confucianism provides a greater framework for the Chinese government than Legalism in terms of social, philosophical and governmental reasons. Firstly, Confucianism strongly concerns the formation of a mellifluous human society, whereas thoughts in Legalism, nebulously considers it. In Legalism, the utmost suspicion is instigated amongst the society, since there is a law that motivates the population to spy on fellow citizens. This skepticism can debilitate efficient governmental processes, as it can segregate the society into different factions. On the other hand, Confucianism focuses on the concord and the humaneness of the human society. As a result, it will allow people to unite and produce a stronger society. Secondly, Confucianism has a …show more content…

However, this concept only teaches the people to avoid punishment. On the contrary, Confucianism believes that for a person to be ethical, he has to learn self-cultivation by means of study and practice of auspicious behavior. Ethics were taught beforehand so no one is bound to commit it, allowing the people to profoundly discriminate moral and immoral behavior. Lastly, Confucianism has a more equitable government system than Legalism. People live to serve the government and will only do so if such behavior will satisfy their self-interest, according to Legalism. Nevertheless, the ruler can manipulate the population using the wealth of the state by rewarding those who benefit it and punishing those who weaken it. Additionally, laws that are fully established should be followed without any surpluses or inconsistencies. Conversely, the government in the Confucian philosophy was thought to be monarchial, and had obligations to command under the “Mandate of Heaven”, that is, the justifier of the privilege to rule. If the leader didn’t provide the

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