
Conformity In The Great Gatsby

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“ Playing Around with Chaos” :The Manipulation of Reality for a Façade of Perfection
The American Dream has always been the unattainable idea of a perfect life, often causing disorder when it is not realized. In response to society’s unrealistically high standards, and the human desire to be accepted, people shape their existences to fit within the quixotic ideals of society. The ubiquity of this conformity is demonstrated by its omnipresence as a theme in American literature. The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald, along with Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, demonstrate how these perspectives of social mores are centered on the prevalence of the unrealistic views of normality. The Great Gatsby, Tender is the Night, and …show more content…

Amy enters relationships with unrealistic expectations, and to keep up the appearance of these standards, she cons her friends, boyfriends, and husband into appearing abusive or insane (Flynn 386). Amy’s addictions to control and playing the role of the victim allow her to continue manipulating the truth. She graduates from claiming she was stalked, to insisting she was raped, until finally pretending she was murdered by her husband, Nick (Flynn 387). Unlike with the obsessions of Gatsby and Dick, Amy’s obsession stems not only from her failure to keep of the façade of a perfect relationship, but also her inner need to be seen as innocent. All three characters are blinded by their compulsions to hide the truths of their lives and put on a front of perfection. The impossibility to give up perfection leads to the end of rationality and an unyielding determination to uphold the façade. A dreamer is bound to be disappointed, but will continue to manipulate his or her reality, hoping in vain that excessiveness will allow the dreamer to overcome their failures. Trying to manipulate reality for a veneer of perfection leads to the development of an addiction to the perfection, causing indulgences and irrational decisions that continue to destroy the lives of the

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