
Conflict Theory: How Changes In Indian Communities

Decent Essays

Darlene Navarro SOC 2 Fall 2017 Lanthier Through the Conflict Theory I will relate how changes in Indian Country are bringing stability and increased healing to tribal communities despite the intergenerational trauma that is still prevalent on reservation and near reservation native communities. The trauma suffered generations ago impacts tribal youth today, beginning with multiple generations, American Indian communities have endured repeated traumatic events that has a lasting impact on individuals, families, and communities. The critical connection between historically traumatic events and current day mental health/drug abuse issues and life stressors are an important part of the story of our people. Origins of substance use and disorder cut across individual characteristics like genetics or experiences of exposure to trauma, to social contexts as in family disruption, and to cultural factors including historical trauma. (Evans-Campbell). Based on a study by Bettina Friese: …show more content…

Native Americans were less likely than Whites to get alcohol from home or from someone younger than age 21 but were more likely to get it from other social sources or through theft from a store. Living in a county with more Native Americans was inversely related to access to alcohol for both White and Native American youths, as well as reduced lifetime, 30-day, and heavy episodic drinking. Living in a county with more single-parent households was positively related to lifetime drinking, 30-day drinking, heavy episodic drinking, and increased access to alcohol through someone younger than age 21 or a stranger. Median income was negatively related to lifetime drinking and ease of access to alcohol and was positively related to accessing alcohol from home without permission, theft, or purchase with a fake

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